Friday, May 19, 2017

Developmental Milestones : 6 months


Come this 21st May, Firdaus is going to be 6 months. This is the time I have been waiting for. Mainly because I am looking forward for something new to do in terms of child bearing and upbringing; feeding!!

Firdaus has shown interest in grown up food since he reach 5 months but I dare not experimented him with grown up food just yet. Nonetheless, I could not stand seeing him staring and drooling over our hands when we eat so I let him have a taste of various fruits for starters. The first fruit he tasted was watermelon. Boy this boy lovessss cold watermelon. We just cut a chunk of it and let him suck out its juice. He liked it so much that he held my hand locked to his mouth so I won't pull away. Not until last few days, I let him suck on mango pit. This is wondrous experience for him I guess, because he likes it so much. Me as a mother, I am more than happy seeing him tethering on the pit and completely enjoying it. He also has a taste of durian. Nope, didn't like it. I gave him apple once. He seems to like it but it is hard to suck on the juice out. I tried. Unless, you really suck it hard, the juice is hard to get. And then, oranges. One of his faves, too. I read that oranges are not supposed to be introduced to babies below 8 months, I think. But, too late. I suppose there is no harm is giving him a taste of a slice of orange. It is hardly one teaspoon of juice. He had not show any adverse reaction to it, so I think we are good here. 


He has also tasted banana, mashed and whole. He likes his banana whole better and I can say he hates it when it is mashed. Dia macam geli geli gitu. I also started to give him organic teether cracker which is basically flavoured rice cracker but fret not, it is for babies. It is mildly flavoured - almost tasted "tawar" - bak kata husband. He can't hold it yet without later on throwing it all over the place but he seems to like to nibble the cracker. 

The worst thing I gave him to taste was chocolate ice-cream. I mean, I cannot look at him drooling. And he actually watched our hand going back and forth to our mouth. So, yea I let him tasted it. I mean who does not like ice-cream? My child is not one of the exception. Sikit sikit boleh la. 

On rolling over, yes! He has mastered rolling over back and forth but he doesn't like it being on his tummy. Often when put on tummy, he would just cry. 

 before the water works

He now can sit with support. But he cannot keep quiet. His arms and legs are often on the movement (read : fidgeting). Changing diapers is like a battlefield with this one. So, we switched to pants diaper - still a challenge, though especially when he poops. Oih... he likes to grab things.. including his own poop under his butt in the diaper while changing. While sitting is fairly new to him, he likes standing better. His abdomen muscle is very strong now because I have been "training" him to sit up while me holding up his hand. He can actually immediately stand from laying flat. Kegiatan lompat-melompat masih diteruskan seperti biasa sehinggakan semua orang dukung jadi penat. 

 stand tall, sayang

He is currently 8.5kg (last checked during 5th month vaccination) and 66cm long, fully breast-fed. I am a proud Mama!! I mean every inch of his flesh is from me. Mana boleh tak proud kan? No no I am ok with formula-fed babies. I am not one of those breastfeeding mother yang kerek, yang mengharamkan formula kepada babies. It is one's personal choice. 

Pergi ke kitchen sebentar to take a gulp. 
Return to the hall, seeing him almost fell off from the rocker.
Hari hari nak kena cium dia sebab he smells so good.. and those chubby cheeks, no one can resist!

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