Monday, July 10, 2017

Firdaus First Solids (Recipe Included)

I could not wait for Firdaus to turn 6 month because I had been looking forward to feed him with solids. I did not know that the early stages of introducing proper first solids would be very difficult. I have been reading that we must start with fruit puree and to obey the 4-day rule, just in case.
However, the nurses at the clinic (KKIA) advised to start immediately with porridge, blended with carrot or potato, the usual combination in the Malay society. The reason is that, turning 6 months, most babies are likely to start crawling. Thus, they need the nutrition to build their muscles and strength.  At the least this is what the daycare started him with, following the guideline from Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia.

At home, I introduced Firdaus with plain brown rice porridge. No extra flavoring added. He hated it. I hated it as well. It was bland and ughh.. He barely took half a teaspoon during each meal. It was so frustrating. Obeying the 4-day rule was a torture for me because I wanted to enjoy the moment of feeding him, but to wait for 4 days to see any adverse reaction is just plain torture.

So, I bought those natural home made flavoring powder they sell online. Bought a set of meat, chicken and fish powder. No MSG or salt or sugar or artificial flavoring. I added it with his cereal. He preferred the fish and meat powder. Not so much of the chicken powder. Nonetheless. he took very little solids. And at 6 months, I did not dare to experiment him with mixture food. I did not obey the 4 days rule, though. I have tried these combinations:-
  • peach & apple
  • roasted pumpkin & japanese sweet potato with some garlic (boy, he loves his food roasted)
  • purple carrot & orange carrot and a bit of japanese sweet potato 
  • baby spinach + orange carrot

I add these puree into his brown rice porridge and I still use the flavoring powder to give it a good taste. He likes them, but still did not eat more than a teaspoon.

I felt like he is not getting the supplementary nutrients his body requires with this eating habit. So, a week after entering 7 months. I experimented with new recipes and cooking method, saute.

I prepare his food mostly in Autumz Baby Food Processor. I prepped his pureed vege and keep it chilled and I use may be around a  teaspoon to add into his brown rice porridge. These recipe makes around 2 oz of vege puree and can feed my baby 4 - 5 times (roughly 2 days for 2 meals a day schedule)

First Recipe 
Kale + White Button Mushroom Puree + Holland Onion

Finely chop (1) white button mushroom + a quarter of Holland Onion + (1) medium sized kale leave;
Saute in unsalted butter and a bit of Olive oil. Cook thoroughly. Combine all in baby food processor. Add a little water and blend until it is pureed. Chilled it.

He....loveeees.. it!!! I cannot tell how happy I am seeing him wanting to eat and cry when his bowl in clean.

Second Recipe
White Button Mushroom + Garlic + Steamed carrot

Roughly chop and steam 2 inches of carrot in water. Don't use too much water. You can use the water to smoothen the blending process later. Finely chop (1) white button mushroom and (1 or 2 clove of) garlic. Saute in unsalted butter and olive oil. Combine all items in baby food processor and blend away.

He lovessss this recipe, too. I won't lie. I tasted them both and I am very proud of the taste.

Adding these two recipe in his meals, he ate like the size of his fist now. That's a lot. And I wasn't forcing the food down his throat. He actually opened his mouth to be fed.

Last weekend, I made something better. Instead of using water to mix his porridge, I use Chicken Bone Broth. Loved it!!

So here is my version of CBB. You can find many versions of this dish over the internet. I use normal stainless steel pot, and prep it over the stove. So I had to let it simmer  on really slow heat for nearly 5 hours. I was yet to not know that if I let the carcass soaked in the water and acid (my choice was lemon juice) for half and hour, I can cut the cooking time.

My version of Chicken Bone Broth
+ makes approximately 24oz
  • (1)  whole chicken carcass
  • (2)  tablespoon of organic cold pressed lemon juice 
  • (1/2) of a fennel 
  • (1) whole carrot
  • (4) cherry tomatoes
  • (8) cloves of garlic
  • (1/2) of Holland onion
  • (1/2) teaspoon of mixed herbs 
  • rempah sup bunjut
Roughly chop all veges. Put in at the bottom of the pot. Rest the chicken carcass on the vege. Add water until it cover the carcass or 3/4 of the pot. Sprinkle mixed herbs. Let it boil on high heat and then simmer on very low heat for a minimum of 4 hours. Don't forget to close the lid. When the bones break apart. you are done.

Strain and throw away the ingredients. They contain very little or no nutrients as it is dissolve in the stock. So there is no point in recycling the vege.

Pour it in ice cube trays and freeze it. Take two cubes to prep a roughly 2 oz of porridge. 

I tell you, Firdaus is crazy about it. Last weekend he took three meals a day. I added CCB + Vege Puree + Brown Rice powder. I used half of it to enjoy white rice. Delishhh!!! Ummm! No salt require for adult but do add if you must.

I wish I can share photos, though but I took none and I simply adding an entry here so I won't forget.

These recipes may not be suitable for your babies. I have been lucky that so far my baby had not show any adverse reaction to the food. I believe there is no strict rule in feeding your baby. If you wish to try my recipes, please do it with caution. 

I have two more recipes I am waiting to try. I will share if it worked well for Firdaus. 

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