Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Developmental Milestone : 4 months

Firdaus now is approximately 4 months plus and he has grown very big. I won't say he is fat and chubby but he is definitely one chunky baby. 

Seorang 5 bulan, Seorang lagi 4 bulan.

Few days staying at home with me masa dia kena measles, dia grew fatter sampai I got worried. Fat babies are cute at certain size tapi kalau gemuk macam Baymax tu, rasanya dah tak cute kot. Tengok dia bergerak pun rasa macam payah sangat. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi lengah yang nak mendukungnya. Haha. Husband kata, "ni mesti sebab duduk dengan Mama lama sangat. Asal bunyi - sumbat, asal bunyi - sumbat ~ sampai gedebab baby".

Lepas hantar dia balik ke Taksa, alhamdullillah dia susut sikit. Nampak comel la muka dia with less double chin.

Now, he seems like a grown up baby. He sucked his thumb a lot and it appears that it is the most pleasurable thing for him at the moment. He does not like pacifier. I tried gantikan ibu jari dia dengan pacifier, dia luak buang pacifier. Siap mengamuk marah marah nak hisap jari. 

I wouldn't say dia dah pandai meniarap. This is something we had seen since dia dalam 3 months plus tapi kami tak pernah tengok dia meniarap betul betul lagi. Ada berlaku sekali dua dia roll over tapi selalu sebab faktor bantal terlebih tinggi at one side which make it easier for him to roll over to the other side. Once he is on his tummy, dia akan merengek mintak dipusingkan semula. So, I guess he is not ready nak betul betul meniarap. But that's ok. Mummy can wait.

Oh now, he is very vocal. Very very vocal. He screams a lot (bukan menangis) especially when he is excited or overjoyed. Kalau excited + geram, dia akan tarik rambut, tudung or whatever he can grip on (an never let go). Kalau dengan papa, rambut papa akan jadi mangsa dan kalau dengan Mama, tudung Mama la.. sampai senget senget la tudung jadinya. Tak pun, tengah tengah dukung tu basah je tudung sebab dia hisap kain. Tsk tsk tsk.

Sekarang dia dah pandai hold to things yang dia nak pegang jugak. Mostly, his EBM bottle dan mainan. I bought him an activity centre from SkipHop. Awal-awal beli dia macam clueless nak buat apa dengan benda alah ni. Few days ago, I can see that dia began playing with the attached toys. Ralit la kejap. Benda ni bukan la sejenis walker. So, I figured beli je untuk develop sensory dia. Plus point adalah benda ni grows with the baby. As Firdaus grows older, this center boleh convert jadi small desk. So okaylah, pejam mata je lah and beli. (Kalau dia derhaka kelak, I tunjuk je resit ~ tengok ni! Mama tak beli baju 3 bulan sebab  nak beli toys kat Firdaus kekeke)

Last weekend, kami balik dari Kuala Terengganu and Firdaus belajar satu benda baru lagi ~ melompat sambil didukung. Ya Allah imagine weightlifting kampit beras berkali kali. Bengkak tulang belakang weii.. But, on the other hand, I am very proud sebab dia reached banyak developmental milestones in between bulan ke 3 dan ke 4 ni and I look forward to see more. 

Everytime I look at him, I always had a thought that I must have done something so right to deserve him in my life. I mean, look at him. OK stop, dont look at him too much. 

Mama and Papa sayang Firdaus sangat. I cannot wait for you to grow up and be my best friend.

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