Friday, August 12, 2016

Pre-Maternity Leave : Bila patut ambil?

Boss hands over a sheet to all Legal Assistants harini untuk selaraskan cuti Annual Leave masing-masing dan to prepare the Court's diary for my maternity leave so they can fix Trial dates efficiently.

I am here, stuck... tak tahu bila patut apply for Pre-Maternity Leave.

You see, I have a balance of the 16 days Annual Leave to date. 

I read few blog posts, ramai yang kata "buat apa cuti awal-awal, sayang Annual Leave, baik guna untuk lepas anak beranak nanti". Some of my friends juga berkata perkata yang sama. I could not agree more. Betul lah, lepas beranak nanti, anak nak cucuk vaksin la, deman la, you know macam macam hal kelak. 

TAPI, my maternity leave would start in December, membawa ke January 2017. Which means, if I don't utilise my Annual Leave, maka ianya akan burn. Sorry, company I tak amalkan Annual Leave ~ brought forward. Jadi, sekarang ni I dok berkira-kira bila sepatutnya nak ambil Pre-Maternity Leave? Kerana Maternity Leave begins when the baby is born.

In my situation, my EDD berubah-rubah dari 24th November ke 29th November dan yang paling latest, last check up 04th December. Haa, sikit punya jauh ke tu. If I took a week earlier than my earliest EDD, and if I betul-betul beranak on the 24th November, I would have 9 days Annual Leave kena burn.

If I took 14 days earlier than my earliest EDD, kalau tak jadi beranak on the 24th, katakan lah terlewat sampai 3 4 hari, I would not have AL to cover my leave before my Maternity Leave.

You get what I mean?

So, ini adalah antara dilemma ibu-ibu bapa-bapa dalam menangani isu bila nak apply cuti. 
What should I do? Apply a week earlier and forfeit my AL if I don't fully utilise them?
Apply 14 days earlier and hope Boss bagi muka bila I delay?

p/s : I went out on a "date night" with Husbter last night watching Suicide Squad. We are so lame that the last movie we watched together was "Dilwale", rasanya la. Eh ye ke? Ye kot. Since movie tu bising yang amat, si kecik dalam perut memerap meragam keje menendang je... Sorry la, nak. Tak sengaja...

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