Monday, August 8, 2016

Welcoming 3rd trimester : 24/25 weeks


Ya Allah, I did not realize that 24 weeks means that I am at my 6th month of my pregnancy dah, which also mean that I am almost entering the third trimester. Officially, the third trimester begins at 28 - 30 weeks tp since generally orang hamil selama 9 bulan, I nak kira 3rd trimester begins when I enter into the 6th month of my pregnancy. Boleh tak? Ahaks.

Time flies nampaknya. Masa 1st trimester tu tergedik-gedik sangat nak masuk 2nd trimester sebab katanya 2nd trimester ni best kerana paling utama nya, dapat rasa movement baby.Some people say at 18 weeks dah boleh rasa movement, tapi Baby F, non hada. Pastu macam tak sedar dah almost berjaya mengharungi 6 months of pregnancy.

Tummy development
In my previous posts I complained that my tummy macam tak membesar pun. Well, I noticed dalam 2 minggu ni, my tummy sudah membesar. Tapi still boleh disorok di dalam baju. I also noticed that I still have my waist kalau berdiri depan cermin, dan ianya quite buncit if I stand sideway depan cermin. Silhouette seorang wanita tu masih ada.. Alhamdulillah.

It was not until few days ago, I started to feel a little strain on my back. We went window shopping, my husband and I kat Sunway Pyramid. Jalan-jalan selama 3 jam and memang sakit belakang sampai I had to sit down for a while. Sekarang dah mula rasa le dah segala "benda-benda tak best" ketika pregnant nampaknya.

Last night, I had back-ache trying to comfort myself so I can sleep. Sudahnya, tempek kokyok, baru boleh lena. Huhu, it has begun!!

Baby movement
From my reading, first time mother memang susah nak identify pergerakan baby tu. Ye la, kita pon tak tahu macam mana rasa baby move dalam tummy kan. I began feeling something in the early 20 weeks sebenarnya, but I thought it was gas. It actually felt like gas. Macam angin kentut bergelelodak dalam perut, tapi dia sekejap je. If I were to describe the actual feeling, ianya macam ni ~ bila kita tiup straw dalam air, and ada gelembung udara naik ke surface air tu. Haa cam tu la rasanya. Dan initially, dia datang sehari dalam dua kali. At this point, tak nampak perubahan pada permukaan perut pun, just rasa kat dalam, pastu mesti terkentut. Ahaks. So I really thought it was gas.

Masuk 22 weeks, that gassy effect kerap datang especially at night tapi dalam hati tetap kata itu adelah gas.

Entering 23 - 24 weeks, ianya jadi semakin kerap dan it was yesterday, I was really really sure that yang bergas gas tu sebenarnya my baby dok kung fu fighting dalam perut. I actually saw perut bergelodak. Semalam, while watching tv, saje sapu minyak kat perut, tengah tengah sapu tu, dia tendang. Perasaan itu geli sebenarnya, but when I put my hand kat tempat dia tentang tu, dia terajang sekali lagi, and this time I saw the movement. Geli and then I laughed sorang sorang kat rumah macam ong gila.

And then the night before pon, husband sempat merasa kena terajang dek anak dalam perut while we were sleeping. Sejak dari first time I told him I was gassy, dia teringin nak rasa. Baru-baru ni je dapat rasa, itu pun I had to himpit my perut atas tilam to get the baby to move. Baby moves a lot kalau dia terhimpit antara tilam which I had to adjust my sleeping position all the time. Inilah punca masalah tidur but it is usually when I try to doze out je. Once dah lena, I won't wake up dah until morning.

So, itulah current update about my pregnancy. I asked my husband, when should we plan for a second baby? Dia kata, kita tunggu yg ini keluar dulu lah.. Honestly, I like it kalau jarak mereka dekat-dekat. Biar push habis2 kluar, kemudian fokus on bringing them up. Senang cite.

This Friday ada next check up. Doktor kata may be we can do the 4D scan. Won't it be too early? I don't know. Kalau semata-mata nak tgk rupa baby, I don't think it is necessary but kalau nak tengok detail progression of the baby, may be kitorang buat that 4D scanning.

Till then, buhbye!

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