Tuesday, August 16, 2016

It is the littlest thing that makes everything counts

I do not know how to title this entry. 

I think it was so sweet that I want it to be a memory ~ a reason for me to smile when I read my blog in the future.

Last night, husband could not get to sleep. I didnt know why. Neither did he. 

I dozed off quite early last night, may be dalam jam 12.30 ke 1 am cam tu. Kira early la tu, sambil melayan Si Loki bawah katil. Husband pulak tengok sports (Rio 2016) kat depan. And then, I didn't remember what happened dah. Tau tau I was in my spot in the bed, sleeping and husband was beside me. It was 3 am cam tu kot. His hand was on my tummy. Tu pasal la terjaga. Sebab ada orang sentuh. I am a very light sleeper. Senang betul terjaga. 

Husband said "ni tidur telentang, bahaya utk baby". So, I shifted my sleeping position to my left. Sebenarnya, at this stage, no positions works sebab I have backache. But gagahkan jugak tidur on the side. Husband kata baby aktif sangat. Keje dok terajang while I was sleeping.

And then I dozed off again.

At around 4.30 am, I woke up again...kerana husband sentuh perut lagi sekali dengan alasan, tak boleh tidur (T__T) Why me? Takde keje betul, tak boleh tidur je, nak rasa baby gerak gerak.

At 7.00 am this morning, he was still up. Cheerful and full of excitement "Nak nasik lemak tak?". "Ok aje. Ambe dok kisah". He went out, beli nasik lemak and we had breakfast at 7.30 am.  He made hot tea and all... 

7.45 am, I got back into bed and sleep until 8.15 am until I am ready for work.

Husband, terlentang kat sofa dengan  muka mcm tapai sebab mengantuk. Huhu... kissed him on the cheek and pergi Court. I hope he is doing fine now at work. Member masuk keje kol 3 petang. 

I could not help it to feel so blessed having a husband who is so anticipating the birth of our baby, really. Masa lampau, sejarah keluarga made me believe tak de pon lelaki baik dalam dunia ni. At least that was I grew up with la. Nak share benda ni dengan mak pun, takut dia kecil hati because she did not experience marriage like I did, or may be this is too early to tell kan?

Biasa la ada pasang surut, naik angin turun angin tapi since getting pregnant, husband has been an angle. Harap-harap berkekalanlah hendaknya...


p/s : I got my second dismissal today. Kalau bukan lawyer mungkin korang tak berapa faham kot betapa seronoknya dapat dismissal. But I cried tadi kat Court. Menggigil-gigil salin keputusan Mahkamah. yeay!~~

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