Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pengalaman : Derma Darah

Menderma darah is one of the things that I have always wished to since I was younger. Other than doing it for a good cause, I feel the need to face my fear of having anything poking my body. I had this belief that what's inside the body should stay inside the body and no one should poke their body to get something out, especially blood. I went to see Nanna in the hospital during the Hari Raya and she had a bag of blood on top of her head and that freaked me out for a little while and it got worst when I saw she had a needle sticking on the top of her old skinny hand to transfuse the blood.. Yuckssss~~~

As such, saya percaya, i need to experience having someone poking my body and "squeeze" my blood out of it.

Before donating, I have been reading and asking around of its consequences. Ada yang kata berat badan akan naik, tangan akan lenguh-lenguh, kepala akan pening, ada juga yang kata akan pitam.. Whatttt???

So on this fateful day, I decided "why not?" when my mom and i reached Mydin, Ipoh as the ATM (Markas 2 Brigade) was doing a blood donation drive there. Its my mom office BTW, so I could spot some friendly faces. The doctor from RESAT was there and he convinced me to do it.

He asked us to get our lunch and then come by the area to have our (our ke?? mine je kot) blood checked. So yea, we went makan2 first and then... registered myself for the donation.

I dont have any penyakit that I have known of so I just ticked "tidak" "tidak" "tidak" on the form except for two when it asked if  I have lived in the UK in the years 1980 - 1996. Apekah pada ketika itu terdapat epidemic di UK? So, part yang itu, I had to tick yes.

Berat badan ditimbang.. I dont see why.. saje nak kenakan aku ke ape?? Sah sah aku ni lebih dari 45kg and jenis darah di ambil, although I have already known my blood type from the Pathlab card I carry in my purse. Alhamdullilah tiada kencing manis, tiada darah tinggi, hemoglobin cukup. Pendek kata, my blood is in good condition.

The staff there were friendly.. i think mostly because they recognize my mom from their office. Sembang2, usik2. and there they handed me a "bowl" type thingy with a bag for my blood and tube and wires and stuff.. and they gave a milo and iron pills for later use.

It wasnt that nerve-wrecking as I thought it would be. I wasnt nervous. Granted I looked away at most of the time. One thing I feared the most, of which I read a lot was that, nurse cucuk salah tempat.. (meaning tak kena urat) ada orang siap kena cucuk tiga empat kali sebab nurse tak jumpa urat.. Okay.. scary mak, nyaaahhhh..

"jarum dah masuk ka mak?? awat tak rasa apa pon ni?"

oh yes.. nak derma darah pun mesti fabulous oke..

I felt a tiny pinch on my arm but I didnt look. I kept tanya my mom..."jarum dah masuk ke??" My mom said yes... I heard mom kata "laju nooo dia sedut.. ingatkan dia dripping tet tet tet.. amboi mcm ayaq paip lajunya"..aaaaa.. I looked up and saw a bag.. full of my blood!! Arghhh itu benda was not supposed to be outside the badan la dey!!!

10 minutes was all it takes to fill that one pint (300ml) bag. And I was allowed to rest on the gurney for another 10 minutes. I didnt feel anything. Tiada pening2, loya2 ke.. tiada. cuma mungkin agak lenguh kat tangan belah yang dicucuk tu.

10 minutes tamat. I got up from the gurney. Happy2 thanking abg2 hensem di sana and got up to the First Floor of the mall and the nightmare began. Tgh tgh naik escalator, I felt weak. Nak berdiri pun tak larat. Sampai je kat First Floor tu, menggelabah cari bench nak duduk. I couldnt see anything, putih!! My sister touched my forehead and said I was sweating. Mom kata muka dah pucat. Penangan first timer kot.

Sat for a while. Mom tanya, nak jalan tak? I asked if we can go home instead. Mom said okay.. Even from the mall to the car park pun, I had to "mencangkung" 3 kali to regain my vision sebab kalau i kept on walking, I might langgar orang. Masuk je dalam kete, terus pejam mata.. Sesampai di rumah, tak tukar baju dah. Make up tak buang.. terus booom tidur..

But I was told that upon donating blood, memang kena rest.

Bila dah bangun, i was all okay. Sihat wal'afiat. Tangan agak lenguh.. tapi tak de la sampai mengganggu aktiviti. I am worried that the wound (bekas cucuk jarum tu) terbukak and darah mengalir "mcm ayaq paip".. ahahaha I kept my hand berlipat je. The nurse said tangan yang dicucuk tu kalau boleh jangan dok angkat berat2.

There goes, my first experience of donating blood. Dapat hamper pulak tu. My sis la syokronok ada chikeedess. I gave the hamper to her. Dengar katanya, orang yang derma darah ni ada byk kelebihan nanti kalau masuk hospital. Kelebihan ape I dont know. But it was a nice experience. Pas ni tak perlu lagi tertanya2 bagaimana la rasanya menderma darah ni. And I want to do it again.. in 3 months.. 

Anyone thinks my shirt is gorgeous?? Looks better dari dalam gambar. The material is like soft cotton or cotton or something. Tak perlu iron. Ahh I simply love the shirt i got from Kitschen, Sunway Pyramid @ RM39.90. Cantek kan?? Love the colour. That's in XL :) 

That's all. Kbai :)


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