Friday, October 19, 2012

Going Places : Central Market

Selamat Petang kengkawan dan para pembaca blog sekelian...Today, my entry will be in English... Mane le tahu kot ada omputih baca kan? Blh jgk deme kenal2 CM kesayangan kita ni.

Alrighty then, I want to tell you a story about me being stuck in Central Market fror 2 hours due to heavy rain. Please note that, I have been in Kuala Lumpur/Selangor for almost 8 years now and this is my first time visiting Central Market. I know... shame on me. Central Market is one of the must-visit places, yet I failed to appreciate its existence until today. Without further a do, let me start how it all began.

I was attending a dialogue organized by the Bar Council to address issues we (lawyers) are facing in Courts nationwide. I never knew that the Central Market as best known to the locals as "CM" or Pasar Seni (Art Market, literally translated), is perfectly located just behind Bar Council office. Shameeee onnn meee.... Driven by the hunger for not having my breakfast, I began prowling searching for my meal some time at 1.00 pm. Bored by the normal fast food joins i normally have my meal at and on the mission to save my money, i entered the Central Market Food Court with amazement..

you may click on the pictures for enlargement

"ohh i love this place"...

And the Nasi Ayam ("Chicken Rice") store attracted me the most. 
Look at my plate.. and that's only for RM8.30. It is worthy. It tastes good. The BBQ Sesame Chicken and the Mushroom are just superb!

And then, with a camera on my hand i began snapping pictures here and there for you to see here.. These are some talents I found during my visit. I was told that sometimes, there are live quartets playing music there...

This is a man who does chinese art of a white canvas. No drawings, just random coloring to produce a master-art-piece... I am also amazed how my cheap camera can zoom in like this. I was standing quit very far away from him, u know...

And then this man, who was doing some kind of sand-art-in-the-bottle thingy... I am not sure how much he is selling his art... but to me this is something that requires patience and creativity and this man has it...

And then, i figured i must get something for a souvenier.... and keychain is the normal item most people get for sourveniers... I have never seen this kind of key-chain.. so... here goes... ahahaha.. i picked this product as my souvenier.

there are individual sets and couple sets like the "romeo & juliet" where u and ur partner can keep half of the key-chain.

Individual board = RM12.00
Couple board = RM24.00
Each character = RM1.00

make my name look pretty please..... :)
the final product.. ain't that lovely?

And then when I was ready to go home, i realized there was heavy rain pouring outside.. so.. i figured to spend time waiting for the rain to stop by doing this...

For only RM5 per 10minutes....

This is something I have always want to experience. Most fish-therapy spa charges around the range of RM38 - RM45 per 30 minutes... And I experienced this for only RM10.00 for 20 minutes.... and it tickled like hell.. Hahahah I hope there wasn't any fish injured because initially i was kicking off them from my legs... I love this.. I wanna do this again.. here in Central Market...

there were a couple of German/Sweeden  guys or somewhere from that region trying it. They couldn't stand how it tickled. They were laughing and squealing upon dipping their legs in the small pool... They gave up for 2 or 3 minutes... (and they were cute tooooo)

So, there goes, my exploration of Central Market..and I didnt mention about the second floor which sell clothing items like Batik and 100% pure Cashmere Pashmina and other hand-made clothing pieces...

If you ever in KL, drop by and experience shopping in CM. I will go back and get my "I Love KL" shirt and magnets.. Yes, I do love KL like the New-Yorkers love NYC...


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