Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Good Things ---> The End

Iols nak mulakan entry ini dengan satu senyuman... Bingggg :)

Eh eh awak.. kita tak faham bahasa Iban oke.. tapi dapat la tangkap sikit-sikit intipati tulisan-tulisan awak tu.. Katanya kalau saya faham, saya akan sedih?? Ermm tak kot.. I dunno.. I am pretty much happy with our positions sekarang. Nothing more than what we used to had or be, some might refer to. 

Apa yang dah lepas kita biarkan kat masa lalu. Kita fokus dengan apa yang bakal datang je k. 

I understand somewhere between those lines, u mentioned you are sad that entries mengenai kisah kita dulu semua dah di padamkan dari blog ni? Dont be sad. U must know the reason those entris were deleted because i felt that none of it was real. I dont know.  I just dont feel that it was real. I was not deleted per se. It was just hidden. I can still read them if i wanted to. Lagipun kita ada "nisan". We can always hang out there dan becerita tentang perasaan di sana.

Thank you sebab tak pernah putus amik berat tentang saya, biar pun berpuluh SMS tak berbalas.. berpuluh cerita tentang hati tak pernah berjawab. Come on, u know I did that for good. But i didnt push u away from Twitter.. so why awak bercerita mcm segalanya dah tamat. Remember i said... u and i, we will always be the unfinished business... I never intend to put any stop to it.. cuma we needed to face the reality and the reality is that.. you never loved me the way you claimed you did.. Simple.. 

And if u asked about my feelings towards you... Oh well.. I dont feel anything at all now... that is i think we can be friends on Twitter. 
I dont want to come between you and ur Cik.. whatever her name is.. 
So from now onwards.. tak perlu lagi bermadah cinta.. berasa sayang menyesali yang kita terhenti di tengah jalan because...everything happened for a reason...

p/s: Maizatul said that the reason was that because He loved me too much to let you to continue fool me.. I dont know.. May be she is right.. :D

Hey.. i am just being honest here.. and who else yang tahu pasal "nisan"?? tsk tsk tsk tsk.... 
Dan.. keropok Stax tu sedap kan?? I knew u are going to love 'em..  :D

tak perlu nak sedih sangat kita tak menjadi.. be glad we happened once.. :)


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