Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cuti-cuti : Bukit Tinggi

This trip was planned since September 2011. It all started with a simple idea of  "Yeya, we should have a girl's day out.. Let's hang out at a resort or something and lepak kat spa the whole day" and of course... masa sume tidak mengizinkan dan this trip was delayed to February 2012 kerana kami terdesak untuk hang out sesama...

Sekarang dah nak masuk Mei.. trip was mid Feb.. Sumpah haku tak ingat our budget for this trip. I think tak banyak.. sekitar RM300 - RM400 je inclusive milage and tolls and hotel semua lah... tak pun kurang lagi...

Our choice of short vacation adalah Bukit Tinggi, Pahang sebab we had this imagination that tempat ini beautiful sangat.. It was not that beautiful compared to being so romantic.. I was fricking ROMANTIC. I hated it sebab the suasana sungguh la romantic..

Ok.. trip started somewhere near noon because the other two ladies were arriving from PutraJaya and Ipoh.

Prior to the trip, I had made a reservation kat Colmar Tropicale Resort.. Ok, before you check the website, you must now, prices stated kat website tu tak sama dengan what we paid for. We paid a lot ass cheaper. I think our room tu was advertised as RM700 kot but we got it for RM315 cem tu and we were stunned to death melihat keadaan bilik yang sebenarnya mcm small apartment gitu.. I think, this room could simply fill 5 - 6 people pada tetiap masa.

One must note, Bukit Tinggi does not offer much other than a super crazy beautiful romantic atmosphere. It doesnt have much entertainment atau tempat tempat mencabar akal dan minda cem Genting Highland atau tempat2 menjual sayur2 cem Cameron Highland. Its purely designed untuk menimbulkan rasa cinta di dalam hati dan membuatkan hati memberontak secara kronik kalau u went there without ur loved ones. But i have to agree that tempat ni sangat cantek untuk amik gmbr. 

Now, we arrived kat Bukit Tinggi sekitar dua petang kot, checked in and got amazed dalam bilik, freshened up and pegi Petting Zoo sebab Yeya nak tgk bunnies. Entrance fee RM3.00. From Colmar Tropicale, you can get to the zoo by a free shuttle provided. In fact, you can go to the attraction centers with the shuttle provided. Korang parking kete kat basement and leave it there je.

Gambar2 di petting zoo adalah seperti yang tertera..
Superb... arnab sume stok sombong~

Satu benda we all dread sangat kat Bukit Tinggi ialah ketiadaan gerai makanan melayu/mamak/kelantan/atau yang murah2. The French Village is actually the only commercial center yang ada kat situ.. Imagine this oke.. Its like small joint-flats building  yang merangkap hotels dan kat bawah tu la, kedai makan, spa, bakery, hotel lobby.. u know what Im saying? Thats why I say u dont need a car.. Parking je kete tu dendiam kat basement. There were no other stalls kat situ either, which means, the food prices kat situ hike up sehingga 200%.. tak caya.. pegi la test market.. Lagi best ATM pun tak de... So our dinner cost us RM100++ untuk 3 orang... Menu serupa cem Quater Chicken Kenny Rogers je.

ko nak tahu rege ayo soya tu satu RM6.00.. Darab tiga sekarang~~

Next morning... waaaah woke up dengan keadaan sejuk umpama di Perancis.. dengan angin sepoi sepoi bahasa meniup langsir... Ok.. at this moment, I wished I had woken up next to orang yang haku chentai.. (oh malam before tidur, bercinta sakan kat SMS sampai terlentuk2)..

Kol 8 sume dah ready.. pegi breakfast di tempat yg sedap.. I dont remember the name.. I was all in French... but they gave us free two breakfast and we all chipped in for Ikin's part. So, RM12.00 for full-fliing breakfast..Kalau dah kata buffet... meja harus meja paling besar dan pinggan harus la di susun bertingkat2 selepas makan kan.. Oh chef kat omelette station gila babeng handsome... If ada reader yang keje kat Colmar Tropicale baca ni.. please kim salam kat dia.. soh dia add me kat FB oke? orangnye putih2 cem matsalihin.. cute cute.. nama start uruf F kot.. tak ingat.. 

After membadakkan diri, we all go to Japanese Tea Garden... Whoahh mi likey this place very mash~~ kerana... lihat photo di bawah.. sekikan terima kaseh....

By noon, kitorang balik ke bilik.. mandi-mandi dan chekidout.. ahaks...

We loved the time spent there.. Yeya got Bukit Tinggi hang over for a week.. I got it for 3 4 days.. Ikin tak de perasaan.. asyik bz dengan keje je.. Bencik haku..

Mari tgk photo candid pulak...

Next time, harus datang dengan yang terchenta.. Chenta, jum~~ 



  1. wah..bestnyer moon..teringin nak datang sini...

  2. sini mmg best. tp jalan nak naiknya..menangis kete ai -_-

  3. sedap la boleh jenjalan. huhh.. i jeles u tau??

  4. AP Hasnida : sangat best.. romantic sangat.. sila bawak hubby dan anak2 yea..

    Cik Citti : tak de la dahsyat sangat dari Genting.. in fact tak dahsyat langsung lah.. try la..

    Hani: jangan la jelesh2… yiu pun blh jenjalan tau.. ahaks

  5. ai dah penah memandu ke sana. menderita jugak la kete vuruk ai kihkihkih

  6. kesian kata kereta buruk.. weihhh kasut tu berapa.. nak tanya komen disable...

  7. ai dah bukak dah ruangan komen tu kehkehkeh
    rm359 kasut berkenaan

  8. yeay~~~ baru la bersemangat nak ngingtip ur blog


Be Nice ~