Friday, May 4, 2012


Dah lama tak update blog.. ye ke dah lama??? (dengan muka perli sakan) kekeke.. ye dah lama oke.. sort of.. yang entry lepas lepas tu cuma puisi nukilan isi hati je... consider sebagai valid entry jugak ek?

Baiklah.. to cut the story short, i wanna tell tentang isu MASALAH. As some you readers might have had noticed, i went above and beyond my insanity meter semenjak 2 3 minggu ni. My mood swings and my hormones are all over the place akibat kesan radangan/rengsaan hati yang kronik. Kat FB tu, my timeline tu umpama mcm dah blh kena samak dengan profanities. 

#I find profanity is a great way of self-expression. Ini aku yang rasa.. some people find it offensive.. to me tidak.. so, those yang nak bagi syarahan tentang iluminati, free-masonry, hell and what not tu, bugger off~ Aku bukan mencacai sape sape pun.. Its my self-expression towards what I'm feeling.. period~

Back to the issue.. MASALAH. I noticed how much of an idiot I had been merampus cem orang meroyan kat timeline dan blog ni.. (but then, salah ke? this is my blog and thats my timeline - if it bugs u that much, there is a "home" button for u hit kekeke )

I remember I once said that "If u wanna be happy, be~"

I forgot la to be happy for the last couples of weeks. I was only thinking of being miserable..thinking that my happiness lies in one's hand. Apparently it is not tau. Ur happiness lies in ur hands. Now some of you might just thought cem ni.

{Nothing makes me happier than receiving his text saying "I love you, babe"} atau
{I can only be happy if he loves me}

Wrong~ Tak pasal-pasal orang lain feel obligated to make u feel happy lak tetiba kan? Itu kalau dia rasa dia bertanggungjawab. Ce kalau dia kata dalam hati "ape kejadahanya aku nak kena text minah ni untuk buat dia happy lak?  Ingat aku tak de keje lain ke?" Haaaa kan.. Sangat tak fabulous oke.

I understand sometimes, when u are in love, u devote urself to that one person and of course, I wont deny that being in love is greatest feeling of happiness there is.. Tak caya?? 

Remember the first time someone u absolutely adore told you "I miss you la".. Korang tak de ke rasa muka tu cem kembang semacam je.. Jantung gededuk gedebak cem nak pecah.. Bulu roma tegak smp bulu ketiak pun sama kembang.. tak de rasa cem tu? Bukan cinta la tu.. ahaks.. Being in love absolutely makes u happy but its not the only reason of happiness oke.

Chop~~ bukan aku nak cerita pasal MASALAH ke tadi? Apesal melalut ke cerita HAPPINESS lak neh?

Owh, baru terjumpa hubung kaitnya.. The thing now is.. you can be happy while having masalah sebenarnya.. Tips and tricks :-

1) Although I know its difficult as hell to do, u have to divert you thought on your problems from ur head. Buat la apepe yang patut.. Paling best perkara yg memerlukan keringat fizikal. Not, doing jigsaw puzzle atau complete the sudoku challenge. That should help; 

#Sape tgk The Break Up (Jennifer Aniston & What-his-name?).. Kan ke Jennifer Aniston gi jogging sebab tensyen dengan boipren dia yang cem mala'un tu kan? haaaaa~~

2) Do what u do best.
Contoh :- If u are good at flirting... so flirt (even when u are in a relationship).. Flirt all u want but dont catch feelings.. At times of devastation u need nothing less attention. Instead of kau mengamuk cem orang sakai kat Facebook (sampai semua colan colan pengganti ex boyfren ko larik) ape kata kau put up a great tempting profile photos (bukan gmbr separa bogel oke) dan be nice to everyone.. Chances are, they could help u feel wanted other than rejected (by that scumbag)

3) Jangan pegi mentekedarah
I lost weight last few weeks.. I like.. period ! (at least aku rasa la aku lost weight - baju size S cantek je kat badan aku now) Esok lusa tembun la balik.

4) Keep urself calm and collected..
Now this is mmg super hard to do, when u have all this adreneline rush yang bersedia untuk attack. Think of it through and through and through. U cant tarik nafas hembus semua tu. It wont help. Best advice is to get a girlfriend to soothes u heartache tu. Have her to talk sense to ur brain before u go out and do everything stupid (like urs turly)

5) Do what u think u want to do
This tips only applicable kalau ur reaction towards ur problems tu memerlukan satu perancangan tektik sebelum tindakan. Contoh~
Cem what I experienced when I found out about punca masalah tu, i was ready to plot a revenge (memerlukan rancangan terperinci tu).. memang dah ready dah sume bahan-bahan... story board...plot.. sume ready.. tinggal nak execute je.. tetiba senses came into my mind.. so the loser one wat cem ni.. Mungkin ada ramai akan rasa ini tindakan sia sia sebab semua dah ready tapi tak proceed.. Wrong - plotting a revenge keeps urself bz too.. thus gets ur head away from the problems... Yang akan jadi masalah adalah jika kauorang proceed sahaja.. :) wink wink

6) tak de tips dah..kecuali, bawak - bawak la bersolat.. yang merangkumi tips 1 sampai la 5 di atas.. :)

Semua orang ada masalah wei.. Bezanya cara kita tekel masalah tu je....
Selamat menekel masalah...

#kunyah coklat lazat (sebab hati bahagia)


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