Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nak Jadi Wife Ke Tanak?

I just turned 28, last 7th April. Its the age when I my mom had me on this very meaningful date of our birthdays.  

The reason for this entry was because I was asked if I am ready to be a wife. Funny.  I dont have the answer to that. Financial-wise,  I think Im doing fine. Ok.. Hal rumah tangga...ok lah.. I like clean house and I do my chores regularly.. Masak.. yea... my biggest concern.. I know nothing.. but I love the Asian Food Channel... so food and kitchen are not my enemies... I love cooking. I just dont have the time to devote myself to be in the kitchen.

And then, one thought came to my mind.. I think being a wife somehow is a job. Then, I remember my first job. I was 24 or 25... somewhere around that age. I graduated and got myself a job with a help from a friend I met at a social forum. I was in Ipoh.. for 18 years, I have never lived alone.. In fact, when I was in the university, I lived in a hostel. They feed us, clean our toilet, u know.. hostels.. how independent can u be living in a place with a warden and a cleaner and a great cook.

I got my first job in KL. PJ to be exact. I'll be living alone, away from my family and I had to start from stracth. I was clueless. I didnt know what to do or what to expect. I came to KL alone... without my mom. I depended on friends, who some cheated on me.. and then I got into the office, and given tasks to complete..and by the 3rd week, I got better at it compared to my day 1.

Now, is it fair if I compared being a wife with being an admin clerk? I didnt know what to do and or what to expect. But I know I had to do it. I think, in a way, it's just the same. Sometimes u just gotta take a leap...dive in and survive and eventually, u'll adapt to the situation and u'll start improving. 

So, if u asked me, will i ever ready to be a wife. I will never be ready to be a wife.. but I'll take the chance to proof that I can be a wife. Its like a lyric in Najwa Latiff's song - "pejam mata dan cuba apa saja".

To me, unless ur mistakes cost someone's life, you can always reverse the effects... but this entry does not change my disbelieve in marriage. I still think the idea of attaching to someone for the rest of my life is ridiculous. I still haven't got reasons to believe otherwise.. It will take someone with superpower to change that... that someone.. who truly deserves me... :p

Love and peace and please respect my 2cents...,

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