Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We are gorgeous

 This is my sister, Sri Atikah Zainal Abidin, 14 y.o.

 This is me, masa Form 1

Both of the above pictures ada sedikit persamaan... selain berbinti bapa yang sama... kami jugak mempunyai sedikit persamaan dari rupa dan gaya... But gmbr ni tak ketara sangat.. There was a picture of me sejibik sebulat cem dia when she was in standed 6...ntah ke mana pegi nya...

Looking at this picture of me.... I see "waaah.. I'm tall.. and kurus seh.. (berbanding sekarang).... How come back then orang cakap aku gumok?" 

Tetiba hati memberontak ni - tak puas hati.... Kenapa tak puas hati?? sebab back then, self-esteem aku low gila disebabkan mulut2 jahat ni..Bila timbang berat time PJ je, chekgu2 kecoh aku over berat dari anak2 didik mereka yang lain... Memang la.... dah aku tinggi melangit cem tu...(tapi bila check gigi - dentist selalu puji.. aku suke dentists)...Benda tu terbawa2 sampai habis Form 5..bukan saje takat habih Form 5..tapi sampai aku putus chenta tahap (tertunggeng - menurut mak aku) masa aku umur 23 tahun... It was "him" yang buat mata hati aku terbukak luas bahawasanya I dont need anyone to make me feel beautiful... And now... aku a complete different person... aku memang amat yakin dengan pernyataan aku...Korang nak kata ape.. kata la... I have been there and I have done all of that and I dont need to feel like &h!+ ever again...

Anyways, back to the story... I have a strong idea that my sister is going through the same thing...ada la kot beberapa kali she flipped out bila dikomen tentang physical appearance dia... It was then aku realized yang she is not happy with it...  

To kakak:
Tgk gmbr tu... we are both not fat at all... We are tall.. we are perfectly shaped.. Alaaa pasal kegelapan kulit tu.. Look at me... berkilat je... You'll grow out of them later in the me.. heheheh... besides, mak akan ada campur2 dengan punjabi... so you dont need to worry at all tentang ur appearance sebab you are gorgeous... We are the gorgeous darlings of all...


The gorgeous-rest ever,

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