Monday, June 14, 2010

Peek_Cer Moments...

Today.... I kemas my laci out of spite... 
So secara accident.. here what I found...
it's a mix cd i made for him.... the first ex-bf... why the hell didnt i give this to him?? lagu ape yang i burnt for him pon i tak tau.. leave it there...

yes.. i happen to remember this photo.. if u see closely.. i MADE him 'see' the camera..see the little fingers under his chin... tried to get rid of this photo but the frame is nice... if i remove the photo, akan tinggal kesan because gmbr tu melekat kat kaca tu...

ahhh yes.. then i punctured my foot with a thumbnail.. it's so deep that I actually bleed like hell when i pulled the nail now temporarily tempang

more kecederaan di tubuhku... that scratch..made by kiki.. and the wound plastered.. also made by kiki... she actually punctured my palm..normally i dont letak plaster kat kesan cakaran dia... but that luka is dalam... dan sangat sakit.. so.. ai letak plaster..

see that scratches... yay!! kiki yang buat... love it, kiki.. mummy loves it so much when you tattoo mummy with all your love...

owh.. here is peek of kiki playing dead... eyes open.. but no movement whatsoever...

can;t tell if she is playing dead or playing cute.. either way.. it is working.... <3

she absolutely hate the hair-dryer... she will go kembang if she has it within her sight...

kembang moment yay!!! most of the scratches i got datang dari kembang moment.. ada masa masa je buleh pegang ini kucheng during kembang moment.. and those times adalah ketika dia sedang helplessly bergaduh dengan kucheng lain.. atau time kena marah... other time.. never to pegang her..

i am wearing fur.. see mommy.. am i a dive or what.. loceng pon dah senget2...

rantai.. custom made... the tali.. dah macam belacan.. mahal wei nak buat.. puluhan hengget... takpe... untuk Kiki... 

jelingan seekor Kiki... aummm...

when kiki wants to manje manje.. she will lompat on my lap dan berehat2 di situ..

sometimes.. when mummy kenot tahan.. mummy dera dia cem ni.. kepit sampai lemas.. up until skrg.. she never made any attempt untuk melepaskan diri.. she just goes.. "eowww" very loudly..

pokerface... why cats dont have facial expression hah?? tak best betul.. 

when she sleeps.. she looks like this... that side of the wall is her fave spot BTW..

sometimes she sleeps like this.. so adorable...
next peek_cer.. gmbr dari atas..

this peek_cer is taken few days after sarung kaki dia (she broke her leg) tertanggal... eversince that moment, when she relaxes, dia akan lunjur kaki cem ni.. kalu tak , tak pernah pon..

i brought a super beautiful, manje nak mati... sihat and clean stray cat home... muda lagi tu... sekali kiki marah daa.... but that lil fella tak takut pon dengan dia...and dia sungguh nak kawan dengan kiki...

after few hours... i had to "buang" that lil fella.. he was too buas.. active sangat discovering my room.. meloncat sana sini.. whereas kiki is well-trained... so sorry lil fella...kiki hated me for 3 days for bringing home that lil fella...  

another fave sleeping spot of kiki... di pangkin luar tingkap... cemana tak tergolek jatuh dari tingkat 5?? her safety is assured.. thats why i let her tidur kat situ... so serene...
cemana la some people kata it is a waste to bela you when you makes me happy even when you cakar me everywhere???
Ma Kiki.... nobody comes between us...

Aku yang sayang kat Kiki dan nobody can tear us apart,

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