Monday, August 30, 2010

Life's A Pitch..

It has been very hectic last semester. I complained a lot about not having enough time to this and that and everything else. This semester, I am still complaining but not about not having enough time but not having the capability to wish for more time.

I want to agree that the subjects are quite easy to understand except for criminal procedures. Leaving that aside, I so want to complaint about the assessment we have to undergo. We have nine subjects but only 5 papers have final exams which consist only 40% only of each paper. The other 60% we have to get from, guess what, yes... assessment.. Passing mark is 50% so if we manage to get full marks in our assessment, that means we are saved... Kira stok lulus cukup makan la... If that is the case, but its not. Untuk dapat 60% carry mark tu punya la susah.

Tolak ke tepi subject yang tak de final yang mana memang 100% dari assessment, memang mcm orang tak de life buat assignments. Add pulak dengan assessment yang ada final... trust me when I say the assignments come flooding in mcm catastrophe. I am not talking about hari ni dapat,esok hantar punya esaimen... that would have been too easy... Ini stok siapkan dalam masa seminggu with complete research done bla bla bla.... After research, you are not allowed to copy the words. you have to sum up dengan your own words. Research buleh di buat from books but mostly ianya datang dari cases... Imagine you have to sum up decision dari Judge's words... sangat memeningkan kepala..

And then comes the tests... seriously...  It's crazy. I have  been sleep deprived, I no longer watch I eat. Yes, I heard!! "Orang tanya "why you gain weight kalau buzy?".. You see, when you are buzy all the time, you all the things available depan mata... and your main focus bila you makan is not your figures whatever tapi untuk keep you full and satisfy untuk enable you terus berkerja, I in particular eat whenever I have the chance and its always heavy meal. It's upsetting to know that your weight never drop a kilo dalam keadaan yang bz cem ni... I hate explaining to my relatives yang terlebih concern tentang my body image yang hanya jumpa aku setahun sekali (time raya) so i just tell them that I gained weight because I am happy.. or because Im broke.. Makanan untuk orang kurus kan mahal..haha... I dont believe in starvation either..

Then, my eyes have a huge baggage  under my eyes.... makes me look old and haggard. I dont even want to begin tentang pimples yang naik sebab lack of sleep... Skin condition is getting worst day by day.. 

My social life memang zero... the only best interaction I have dengan manusia luar kampus adalah di facebook.. I have received complains from my mom mengatakan aku tak ingat rumah dan kampung halaman.....  my sister is always asking when I am coming home and few of friends marah2 sebab susah nak jumpa dan nak hang out... I cant answer the phone because bile I travel, I have bags and bags of books and files with me and I have only two hands.. so phone call is something I can put to wait..  I hate it having people calling and calling and calling and who just dont understand the concept "I am busy".. At most of the time, I wish I could campak my phone away...

I know that there is no use in complaining... terima je la... one day I will become rich and I will have myself pampered mcm puteri bulan...


Currently a LL.B Student,

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