Monday, May 16, 2016

11 - 12 weeks

Dear Anak,

We went for our first trimester scan today. Alhamdulillah Daddy always makes time to accompany me whenever I go for check up.

Kalini doktor kata, I should be able to see your physical development. Your legs and hands should fully develop sekali dengan bentuk jari. 

So as I lay in the doctor's room, elok je doktor letak sonogram scanner kat perut, we both can see you. And... the best part is that, we saw you kicking and swimming. Looking so comfortable there, buddy. And then you menyorok that I had to pusing ke kiri dan ke kanan to get your face back on the sonogram scanner. We could see your nose, forehead, hands and feet and your spinal cord. At this point, your skin is basically transparent. Doktor kata you are normal, the length of your spine is normal, your length. You are about the size of a lime now. 

My blood pressure is normal and my weight dropped another 2 kg lagi. That's a total of 4.5kg weight loss since 2 months ago. Tapi makannya rasa macam normal. Cuma intact agak kurang. Besides, my body is working 24/7 non stop to help you grow, so I won't be surprised that it uses up all the calories I take to "work". Sebab tu setiap kali bangun tidur, laparnya ya rabbi.

So, that's the update as of now. Doktor kata lagi 4 minggu insyaAllah boleh tgk jantina. Daddy and I have not decided whether kami nak tahu jantian awal awal ke atau nak tunggu surprise masa deliver nanti ke. But Daddy dah decide he wants to be called "Daddy". I have not decided yet what I want to be called. Daddy also kata, your name must start from "F".  

I saw Quantico today, Alex Parrish! Alexandra Parrish. I told Daddy, Alexandra is a pretty name, don't you think. He made faces. A no! no! face. "Kalau nak, letak Falexandra!"... Boring la Daddy ni. 

I also took the chance to check my physical signs kot kot blh tahu if  you are a boy or a girl. Dari awal pregnancy, I had a feeling that you would be a girl. Tapi, orang kata kalau ibu tak de loya loya, tak de alahan dan tak suka berhias, besar kemungkinannya baby boy. As this point, I am getting mixed signs. Sekarang I don't even have instincts of your gender. Daddy pulak tak kisah, janji sihat.

So, itulah update takat sekarang ni. Since you are almost 12 weeks, I no longer hide my pregnancy. Tapi tak de la hebahkan, cuma skrg, tak de sembunyi2 lagi.

Till we meet again.

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