Friday, April 22, 2016

8 ~ 9 weeks

Dear Anak,

Sekarang masuk fasa di mana I dont really care about how I look. Bukan taknak kisah tapi I just dont have the energy to sit in front of the mirror dan telek mula dengan make up... At most of the time, I hope I dont have to wear make up. Although I have no hormonic acne tapi muka kerap nampak pucat sebab I sleep a lot.

I have not decided whether I want to be known as "Mummy" ke, "Ibu" ke, "Mak" ke. But my cats are used to the name "Mummy". The chances are, you are going to call me "Mummy" too. Ayah pulak keeps calling himself "Daddy" when he speaks to the tummy. So I guess that is going to stick around. So, until I decide, kita ber "I" - "you" dulu la ye. There is no rush there.

As I rambled in my last post. I still feel sangat letih everytime.. I just wish I had not had to work and stay at home and sleep. "Daddy" has been an angel in keeping my mood good at all times. He has been very understanding dan rajin juga. Cuma satu je "Daddy" fail. "Daddy" masih tak master masak nasi. So I have to pick up my butt utk pergi dapo basuh beras and tanak nasi for "Daddy". Daddy tak kisah makan nasik dengan telur dan kicap. Daddy likes my sambal sardin (itu je yg senang utk dimasak ketika ini) and more than not, he often requests it for dinner. On top of that, he would add la ikan masin ke, telur dadar ke... "Daddy" has been doing the laundry and chores too.If anything I feel "Daddy" is feeding my laziness. Tapi "Daddy" malas lipat baju. Dia main lungguk je atas sofa and the sofa becomes our new "almari". Tak pe lah I dont mind.. Sebab I am literally, xde tenaga nak marah atau nak lipat. And since "Daddy" dah basuh baju, janji ada baju kering utk di pakai, jadi lah..

Kritikal betul keadaan rumah tangga sekarang.

Also, I wish to add, Anak, you make me hungry aallllllllllllllllllllllllllll theee time.. Bukan hunger pangs. memang stok lapar sampai perut growling tanpa belas kasihan. T_T. Macam pagi ni, I had milk and vitagen and a bilis bun. Normally that could keep me up smp jam 3 4 petang. tapi now is 12.15 pm and my tummy has been growling since 11. Rasa macam nak makan lembu sekor. Tapi truth be told, my appetite tak naik pun. Dalam keadaan sekarang ni. I eat kerana terpaksa. I believe that my tummy is growling sebab you are hungry, and you are sending signals to me to feed you. Seksanya. Doktor says I need to control my weight but I can be active and I am hungry all the time, macam mana nak control weight? Sedihnya.

I am sharing this even though you are just 8 ~ 9 weeks. Some people kata, tak elok dedah awal-awal. I believe you are our happiness.. I need to express about your presence. Andai kata tiada rezeki di masa akan datang, it doesn't mean you did not happen to me and "Daddy". I have a month to go before entering the second trimester. I hope to gain my energy soon.

Love you.
Ibu/Mummy/Mama/Mak hehehe

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