Friday, March 2, 2018

TERbeli Katil


This is a very petty entry but I want to make a memory out of it so I will write anyway.

I have been renting in a same basically fully furnished house - for almost 10 years now. 10 years is a very long time having consider to see the same furniture, wall paint and layout of the same house. And some of the items in the house, literally have broken down, like one single bed in the single room and the queen bed in the middle room. The only bedroom set that is standing still are the ones in the master bedroom. I have been trying to hunt for a house (I think it is time for me to buy a house now) but I can't seem to give up the one we are renting in Bandar Sunway. It is like the center of everything. And it is like reaaaaaaaaally close to my office. But the property price in Bandar Sunway is like "Astaghfirullahala'zimmmmmmmmm". So, I put on hold dulu lah getting a property ni. 

Getting back to my bedroom story. We have been suffering back pains sleeping on the mattress provided by our landlord. It is a spring mattress and it is really old, I guess that at some part of the mattress, the springs poke out. So, I started to think of getting a new mattress. But then again, the bedframe pun macam nak roboh je but it is still standing, though. So I didn't think too much of getting one. This plan had been going on and off my head for nearly a year now. I put it on hold sebab I wanted to travel. I mean I want to go back to USS - my happy place. So I have been saving for basically everyone that I wanted to go with me - since everybody feels Singapore is a really expensive place. 

Couple of months a go, a new furniture joint opened near my house - supposedly they sell super cheap bedroom set particularly mattresses. My husband and I went to visit last night. Konon nak surveys sahaja sebab although it is very near to my house, we never seem to have time to visit the shop. So semalam pun pergi la tengok2. All of the sudden, my husband got excited. This one and that one and this one and that one. I was like, "what the hell has got into you?". In less than 20 minutes. we agreed to buy a bed. A bed! A bed frame and a mattress. "What on earth just happened?". I was sitting on a sofa, watching my husband made the deal. I was surprised to see him ecstatic like that. We definitely did not plan this. We didn't clear up the guest room to re-place the existing bed. We didn't clean our room to make space for the new bed. So, how? why? So in just a minute, I just lost RM1.5k for the bed that I didn't plan to buy. 

I insisted for the bed to be delivered that night because, you betcha I want to sleep in my new bed. So, we make space for the new bed and remove the old bed into the room which we want to make a guest room. Everyone slept very late last night because of this unintentional purchase of the new bed. So here is the photo of the bed co-joining with my toddler's because he is still breastfeeding.

I am also sad to notify that the theme in the master bedroom is white but the bed frame is black. I am just gonna weep now. Bye bye Singapore. 

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