Friday, February 10, 2017

counting days to three months


I just returned to work 1 February haritu. Lucky me Boss extended my maternity leave for another week sebab I had 5 days baki Annual Leave last year.

Firdaus now is around 10 weeks and is fully breast-fed. Cuma in the first month tu ada campur formula few times sebab mild jaundice.

His progress now is that he can smile, laugh and make really squeaky sound bila upset or marah or even happy.. His choice of word or sound actually, is Aiii.. Everything is Aiii.... hek hek Aiii... Haa Kalau Aiii tu makna nak tidur la tu.. Kalau lapar, dia akan nangis terus.. Using the same sound, he is very talkative juga. He talks a lot and melayan dia adalah sangat seronok. Dia sangat vocal especially selepas mandi.

His weight masa 2 month check up was 6.7 kg, kalau tak salah. Sekarang ni macam lagi berat je. I don't know. Generally, dia tak banyak ragam. Tapi agak kuat memerap kalau mengantuk. Normally, memerap tu tak amik banyak masa la. Dalam 15 minits selepas didodoikan atau disusukan, dia akan doze off.

My husband and I are so obsessed with him. I mean, we cannot stop ourselves from kissing him.. Sehari mahu lebih dari 50 kali dia kena cium. Selain dari cium, I spent most of my money on his clothes. He has many clothes now. Some of them, dia tak boleh pakai pun lagi sebab I deliberately bought yang 6 months and above punya. In the first few weeks lepas beranak tu, I got so emotional just by looking at him. I mean, he is adorable and I just couldnt express into words how much I love him, so I cried. I cried because I love him so much. Gila betul. 

Few days ago, husband saw dia mengiring sendiri, twice. Bila kami try nak tengok lagi sekali, dia tak mengiring pulak. I don't know if it is too early for babies to mengiring at this age. But kalau betul dia mengiring, that's another achievement that I am very proud of.

fatso before a month is called "Awang Kenit". He is so small when I dukung him..

fatso slightly after a month old... not so fatso sangat lah.. kuruih lagi..

fatso ketika 9 minggu... 

this is a video capture.. I mean omg.. so obsessed!

Gosh, major love for this little nugget. 20hb ni kita cucuk utk vaccination bulan ke 3.

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