Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Counting Days : 37/38 weeks

Lama CikMun tak update blog ye? Dah beranak kettew?



At this point, I am at 38 weeks 2 days (itu kalau ikut BabyBump Pro App), tapi rasanya kalau doktor check, it will be around 37 weeks 4 days, perhaps. Let's see kalau ada apepe progress.

Perut telah membesar dengan jayanya. This time people notice that I am actually pregnant. Biarpun begitu, people tak tahu that I am counting days, which is slightly frustrating jugak. Why? Because people do not understand the tormenting moments I am going through carrying an extra weight at my tummy.

Since last week, I have been experiencing tingling/numbness feeling sekitar tapak tangan dan ianya lebih teruk ketika bangun dari tidur. I googled, it is "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" which happens sebab excess body fluid dalam badan, causing the nerve kat the wrist to mengecil. I do not understand a bit of it. Articles say I should minum banyak banyak to reduce water retention. Tak bestnya, sebab I will be peeing 4 5 times in an hour. So I am still trying to get on drinking water regularly. Truthfully, drinking more water actually helps cumanya, kena asyik pegi toilet lah. 

I have also started to experience sleepless nights. Like literally, tak boleh tidur. Antara sebab-sebabnya :-
a) No sleeping position in the world can help to ease the heartburn I feel whenever I put my head on the pillows. Yes plural. Husband sekarang pakai satu je bantal. Yang lain lain sume kena rampas dek isteri.
b) I am tired at most of the day which makes me take long naps in the days (sebab malam malam tak dapat tidur)
c) Cats, my cats suka duduk dalam aircond. I am trying to reduce their visit into my room in preparation for the little one. Apparently, dedua ekor gemok tu reti pulak cakar cakar pintu nak tidur dalam bilik sejuk. So, yea at times when I fail to fall asleep, I cave in for those two suckers.
d) Hunger pangs. Since I am weak during the days, including tak lalu makan, I am often feeling hungry waktu malam. I try to snack healthily waktu malam by taking fruits tapi since it requires me to walk to my kitchen, suka atau tidak, badan akan jadi segar dan takmau lena.

Ape lagi?
Yes. Cara berjalan juga telah berubah. Memang hudoh! Macam penguin. Nak nak dah penghujung ni. I feel pain kat bawah perut yang menyebabkan I walk like a penguin. I cant stand up straight, mesti terpaksa membongkok sikit to ease the pain. At most of the time, I can only stand for 60 seconds before I need to sit down. 

Lucky, during my pregnancy, I didn't experience swollen feet that much. As far as I can remember, it happened only twice. when I went to Muar and one other place I cant remember dan sebab pakai kasut bertutup. Biarpun begitu, kaki tidak lah membengkak macam belon. Swollen la sikit.

Since I had a very pleasurable journey in my first and second trimester and early stages of my third trimester, having these problems sekarang adalah sangat tidak best. Mujur I am still immune dengan alahan dan morning sickness. Yes, kedua dua "penyakit" tu tak hinggap lagi for now and hopefully takkan hinggap sampailah full term.

I am also experiencing active bowel movement. Orang kata itu tanda tanda kecil nak beranak. I am not sure if it is braxton hicks or memang perut mengeras sebab nak membuang, tapi memang sehari 4 5 kali perut akan cramp and the urge to meneran tu tinggi sangat which makes me run to the toilet or pass gas. Bila meneran tu, adalah benda menyusuli sama. Harap harap betul lah itu tanda kecil nak beranak because in all honesty, I cannot carry this tummy anymore.. I cannot...

So there goes, the updates of my pregnancy journey. I think the next time I update this blog, it will be about my experience giving birth kot. Itu pun kalau umur panjang. Huhu.
Wish me all the best, dear readers. I need it. Kalau boleh tanak bedah bedah. Being under the knife scares me. In fact, being in the labour room pon scares me jugak.

Owh, I remember I have not prepare anything untuk ketika berpantang.. masyaAllah...

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