Monday, July 11, 2016

Confession Bear - Missing Cat

Kiki has been missing for two days now. 

She always likes to jumps off the balcony to the hallway but we have always managed to get her in action and shooed her back into the house. The last time, she snuck out we didnt realize she was missing until it was time for her wet food that we noticed she didnt respond to the sound of the can.

I used to get so worried about her went missing. I would look for her like a maniac and I would normally find her within 24 hours.

But, this time when she went missing, I just sat on my sofa, watching TV, telling my husband "you know what, I am sick and tired having to tip toeing her every move. Pantang lepa! Ada je akal nak kluar dari rumah. Biar la dia. Nak rasa sangat kot jadi stray cat".

Kiki was born and bred in-door. She never stepped a foot outside, not unless she snuck out la. I read that cats have ultimate survival instinct. Most animals do but I don't have faith in Kiki. She is not manja/gedik, per se but she is very selective in her diet. Cat behaviourists say cats are not grazers ("macam lembu, keje makan je"). Cats eat when they are hungry and stop when they are not. Kiki, is a grazer. She is not fat. She is, I think slightly underweight, which becomes the reason I always keep her bowl filled with kibbles so she can always eat whenever she wants. (Loki is not a grazer, though).

I know for a fact, Kiki loves heat but at night, being outdoor - she must be really cold. Kesiannya.

Loki does not survive well without Kiki. You see, Loki being a 7 month kitten, although big huge like a monster, she likes to play with Kiki and she is quite active for a persian mixed kitten. The 24 hours, Loki was meowing very loudly. I did not know what she means. Unlike Kiki, Loki is very vocal. I had only adopted her for like 3 months. I am still learning what her meows mean. With Kiki, on the other hand, I know her quite well. I understand her meows.

Anyways, I want to care about Kiki being outdoor. But at the same time, I am realllllly tired having to search for her. I hope she does well outside. I hope she found her source of meal, wherever it is. Since, this happens sooo many times, I take it as a sign that she wants to stay outdoor. So I let it be. 

May Allah protect you, Kiki. 

They also say cats will always find their way back home. I am not sure if that works in an apartment residential area. But if she is facing hardship trying to survive out there, I hope God would at least lead her back to my door step or vice versa.

8 years growing indoor, I guess you want to have a little adventure, huh?
May the odds ever be in your favour, Kiki.

Update 14.07.2016: We found her last night. Well, husband found her. She seemed fine. But she was fierce, we could not touch her. We fed her and gave her some water. Boy, she was hungry. I know my way with her to get her into the traveller and bring her inside. Unlike my husband, I am not afraid being scratched. We stayed with her for 15 minutes, watching her eat and drink. And in the meantime, we talked to decide whether or not we want to keep her indoor as she is now must have collected ticks and fleas and germs during the time she was exploring the outdoors. I mean we could take her in, but we have to get to the vet immediately, for sure and at this moment, with my trying to save every little penny for the arriving baby, I just don't feel like wanting to spend it on Kiki. She could have just do it again, you know, jumping off to the balcony from the back door. And truth be told, the house feels a little clean, too now there is less cat spraying around the walls. Loki has not has that habit yet, and I am going to her fixed when the baby arrives.

Husband has a little kindness inside of him telling me, "kesian - beranak dalam rumah, membesar dalam rumah, tiba di usia senja, kena jadi stray cat". And I needed to knock some sense into his head "3 days out, she could have been impregnated, u know. Kalau dia beranak, abg nak bela?". But, I do feel kesian for her. I wanted her to stay indoor. It seems she becomes the prey of all the male cats outdoor - ye lah, basically she is new to the neighbourhood kan.

So, after much discussions and deliberations, we decided we want to let her live outdoor and we will feed her whenever we see her. I can see my husband loves her, but as I stated above, I am sick of having to tip toeing her every move. I just want to be in peace. But much further important reason was that, we do not want to risk my pregnancy with Toxoplasma virus because she had stepped outside. So, that was that.

This morning, I went to the hiding spot where we found her, she was not there. May be I can see her again later after I return from work. But it is nice to see that she is not physically injured. 

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