Thursday, March 31, 2016

An Addition of Bundle of Joy


Today is the 31st of March.

Two days ago, I found out that I am pregnant. Gosh, agak pelik nak tulis "I am pregnant" tu. I missed my period by 12 days. Walaupun kejadian missing period tu pernah berlaku sebelum ni, but I sensed something was definitely off about me. 

Antara kejadian-kejadian pelik yang berlaku adalah:-
1. I am super lazy, super tak larat manjang
2. Super tak lalu makan,
3. I was throwing tantrum... everywhere... biarpun tak serious tapi I find small things pon buat I marah. Actually, ini adalah my pre-menstural syndrome sebenarnya.
4. I had mild cramps kat the lower part of my tummy ~ inipun my normal PMS signs.

I didnt think I was pregnant, though. We had been trying for 4 months, bajet nak bunting pelamin tapi tak kesampaian. Pastu kami macam redha. So bila missed period by 12 days ni, macam ada sinar harapan sikit2. Kawan-kawan rasa macam ada sesuatu. I pesan" jangan dok kenen-kenenkan cam tu, kang aku check, negative.. Aku peras".

Tapi after returned dari Kuching (my short weekend getaway), Yeya suruh test jugak jugak. Sampai beli test kit kat KLIA2. Tapi tak berkesempatan nak test.

I took the test, the night after with the presence of Mr F kat rumah. While I was about to take my night shower, I decided "ahhh test je la". Mr F pun kata "test je lah, kalau tak de tak pe".

So, I took the test. Using the cheap cassette kit just to make sure ianya tidak terbazir. The instruction is to wait for three minutes before the lines appear. Tapi upon titiskan urine, takyah tunggu 3 minit. The two pink bands appeared almost immediately. Dan ianya sangat jelas. 

I freaked out, ok. I screamed for my husband and he took a very close look at the cassette. He hugged me immediately and I swear he shed a tear. My first reaction? Menangis la! Apa lagi? Merambu air mata. I think happy tears kot but at the same time, ada tears yang macam takut. 

It was not how I pictured telling Mr F I am pregnant. I thought it would be macam dalam video video yang orang share kat youtube tu. Ahahah Nope! It was simple and straight forward. But I could saw from his face, he was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly happy... Senyum tak berenti-renti. 

The next day, I had to fly to Johor. On my way back to Subang, I bought the Clear Blue Digital Pregnancy Test Kit. I think this is the most expensive test kit available. Mak kata, kalau bukan Clear Blue mungkin result tu tak accurate. So I bought Clear Blue (bajet nak accurate). Result still "pregnant" and "it" is now 3 weeks plus. Mr F was delighted. 

Antara kejadian-kejadian kelakar sekarang yang belaku adalah, he wont let me sleep on my tummy ~~ takut baby terpenyet (???), duduk betul betul, jangan leaning leaning ~~ takut baby terpenyet jugak. Sometimes when he kisses me now, dia pegang perut sekali.. uuuuu... Pastu dah siap suruh fikir nama.. (-_-)'

Sometimes, ada random whatsapp text like "jangan jalan laju laju, jangan stress stress, kesian baby"... Told him, baby sekarang besar biji bijan je pun. Aiyooo.. 

I cannot wait for my baby bump to appear. I hope there will be no complications during my pregnancy. I hope it survives to the second trimester. I just cannot wait.

Dear Baby ~~ Daddy has been referring himself as Daddy to Mummy now. He cannot wait to see you even now you are just as tiny as the sesame seed now. We love you, already. 

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