Monday, January 11, 2016

Introducing Loki

I have been contemplating of getting new kitten recently... It started off because Kiki has now entered the "old age" and no longer interested in chasing and playing. She is at the stage where she enjoys relaxing and napping and occasional short chasing moments. Don't get me wrong. I love Kiki. She is an angel. I understand her and she understands me. A little tap on a surface means I want her to come to me and she understands that. She understands "turun" without having me to scream or even raise my voice - that is whenever I want her off my newly changed bedsheet, or when she meows, I can tell if she wants food, or want me to open the door for her or even get her a chair because she needs help climbing to our window. That's how strong my bond with Kiki. Love her to death and husband loves her, too. She can take care of herself and I need to take care of something. So I decided of getting a new kitten.

I have been wanting a maine-coon initially because it is big and macho and very masculine (even a female maine-coon) but maine-coon crazy expensive. A three month old is RM3,000.00 and I do not support buying pets at all. Tapi nak tunggu orang open kucing yang bulu panjang for adoption memang sangat jarang-jarang sekali.

Tapi rezeki memihak nampaknya, because Depp (now changed to Loki) came into the picture when his old parent wanted to give him away because she already has 7 cats.

Loki is a three month male kitten - mix breed of flat female Persian and Domestic Long Haired Male and I did not buy him.. I adopt him (with minimal saguhati to the previous parent {cat food for her cats})

I picked him up yesterday with cautions knowing Kiki would not approve his existence in the house and as expected, Kiki hissed at him and ran off hiding under the bed.

I did not let Loki inside our room initially because the bedroom has always been Kiki's territory and cats are very territorial. So I let him play kat hall dulu. And I set up his "room" in the vacant room so that he knows that is his territory.But Loki wants companion and cannot be left alone. Asal dibiarkan sendirian je mesti ngiau. Duduk dalam cage pon takpe janji dia nampak kita. 

Loki is VERY active and jumps at almost everything! He wants to play, play, play and play allll the time sampai pengsan. He sleeps for two hours, wake ups, drinks a bit, munch on his kibbles and jump and play again. Itu lah rutin dia.

Day 2 - Loki is fully litter box trained.. Senang keje. He already poops and pees in the litter box dan dia tak kunyah wood pallets. Bonus point!

Kiki pulak, dengan kita kita sekali dia marah tapi Kiki maseh mahu dibelai dan when calls, she comes cumanya she still hates the new kitten. I really hope the introduction goes well and I will be documenting their journey regularly for now because that's all that I can sharea at the moment.

Husband picked the name "Loki" because perangainya dengan Loki Odinson sama sangat. Nakal, buat, banyak akal tapi baik, manja dan sweet. Hence, I go with Loki. I love it when hubs suggested it. I was thinking of Starlord, tapi macam tak de ciri ciri pet name langsung. Nak panggil pun susah.. Starrrrlordd.. meh makan meh...

Loki has not figure his name yet but kiki pon amik masa jugak nak learned her name but now she knows nama dia Kiki.. Ahh i miss her right now!

Here is Kiki - Kakak kawasan. Bed is her kawasan, I won't let Loki on the bed. Gotta respect kakak kawasan!

muka macam ada sedikit kebencian tapi penuh dengan kaseh sayang sebenarnya.. 

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