Friday, October 9, 2015


I was having quite a rough night last night.

May be a little bit depressed tentang preparation or may be the wedding jitters just started kicking in. I have doubts tapi tak terluah kepada sesiapa.

Semalam rasa this world was one big huge dark place and I was there by myself not knowing what to do. I texted Ikin for comfort at 1am because trying to fall asleep rasa macam impossible sangat. Texting extended sampai 3.30 am leaving me looking like crap in the morning..

But I want to be happy this Friday. Friday kan hari untuk suka ria di tempat kerja. So, I opted something casual and bright for my attire to the office. Mujur la takde Court harini, kalau tak mesti murung je pakaian black n white harini. Today I wear orange pastel blouse and olive green carrot cut pants with black and white heels.

Still rasa depressed. Cried a couple of times dalam toilet because I cant let anybody know I am very depressed. I thought may be I should get myself a bouquet. It is never wrong to buy oneself a pretty bouquet. So I made a purchase kat Happy Bunch. Beruntung harini ada tiger lily. Something orange to brighten my mood and to cleanse my moody aura.

Turns out the tiger lillies are not blooming harini. Tak pe esok lusa dia akan mekar dengan cantik, so does my mood. And then I skipped lunch and did my hair.. got my head a super 'sedap head massage'. Walked out of the salon, feeling pretty. Tak pe, orang nampak kita tak cantik takpe (so I have been told that i am not pretty). I am sorry I am not your type but I am my type so, suck it!

While buying a bouquet for oneself is a foreign concept to some people, I feel happy that I finally have the guts to get myself a bouquet. Even when I was expecting this bouquet since morning, the joy of seeing the delivery man at the my office door was exciting.

I am Siti Munirah, and I am beautiful and I don't need a man to make feel like I am. If it hurts you, well screw you and I am sorry for having a bad taste.

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