Sunday, September 13, 2015


I just had to share this because it deserves an immediate entry.

We are in the almost final stages of preparing of my upcoming reception. One of it is 'gubahan hantaran'. I had thought of getting professionals to arrange my hantaran trays to avoid troubling my mother and I do not have crafty hands to arrange them myself. I was surveying for reasonable florist/bridal shop to hire when I bought the flowers today.

Mom insisted of doing the arrangements on her own mainly to save cost. While I didn't want to trouble her, she was very keen on doing it on her own.

Took her around 6 hours to complete 8 arrangements out of 9 and the results are just.... magnificent!! The arrangements are gorge!

Thanks Mom! We bicker, we fight! At the end of the day, you just want me to have the best! And these are the best! 

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