Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Positive Side of Social Networks


After a longggggg hibernation period, I decided to surface. I have not been hibernating, though. It is just there are so many entries that did not make it to the 'published' page.

I am writing this after I oogled at Hanis Zalikha's Instagram account, being over jealous of her honeymoon trip to Bora Bora. That girl is so damn lucky and I hope she know how many of us can just dream of her life, really. 

While scrolling I ponder "dia ni tak nak balik Malaysia ke?", "dia tak tahu ke ramai orang jealous?", "dia saja nak menunjuk kebahagiaan ke?", "aku sedih sebab tak dapat pegi tempat-tempat macam tu?" "Lagi sedih, aku rasa tunang aku tak tahu pun Bora Bora ni sejenis tempat". Haa, you see penangan Hanis & Hairul. 

Anyway, today I decided to observe the situation in a positive manner. 

You see, there are two types of people. Those who hate social networks and could go years and years of lecturing how social networks are bad influences and there are ones who totally all for social networks for various reasons.

I am the latter type. Without social networks and internet connection, life would be meaningless for me. I notice if it had not been for social network, I would not know or more precisely care how beautiful Bora Bora is.

And then, my wedding preparation, I don't have to drive here and there to "survey" for stuff. I just do it in the comfort of my bedroom. In fact, I have engaged quite a few of "online" business owner to help me with my wedding preparation. 

Other than that, of course there would be news, be it true or hoax. News are news. They are the talk of the town and it feels quite an accomplishment to be a able to "discuss" about the circulation hoax or news with someone I met in the Court room. 

There is however, some point that people often oversee. Social networks are inspiring.
It has inspired me to go diving. Or least it has inspired me to google "can I go diving if I can't swim?"
It has inspired me to save to go to Maldives or Bora Bora
It has inspired me to visit Athens one day
it has inspired me to try color contact lenses
Cuma inspiration untuk kurus tu tak sampai lagi... 

Inspiration can come in many forms and I just cannot believe that my inspirations comes from stuff people share on thier Facebook or Instagram when all this while, I thought they were just showing off.

I just thought of jotting this down for future references. I hope I have inspired you guys into looking at something from a positive side because to me, this is a revelation.

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