Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Singapura : Day Trip (Aug 2015)

Pada suatu hari sedang bergosipping dengan Yeya, terasa rindu pada Universal Studios, Singapore.

So I asked "Yeya, jom pegi Singapore lagi.. Rindu la"

Dengan yeya ni seronoknya adalah dia akan tanya "bila???" dulu.. baru dia bagitahu dia ada bajet ke tidak nak berjalan.

So we made a plan in early July to travel in Mid Aug. Pulak tu Air Asia tetiba buat tambang murah.

So we booked a day trip to Singapore departing at 6.10 am from Malaysia dan from Singapore depart jam 8.05 mlm. Harga tiket RM132.00 return fare.. Gitu...

Misi kali ni memang nak pegi USS sahaja.. dan masuk USS tu misinya adalah memang nak naik roller coster sahaja...

Kami touched down di Changi Airport jam 7.00 pagi cemtu. Bergerak ke Changi Recommends untuk beli tiket entrance USS berharga SGD68.00 dan berkenalan dengan Changi staff from the Philipines bernama Roel. We exchanged numbers, he texted me, pastu rasa macam tak larat nak reply because he said, he will contact me whenever he is in KL. I was like.. yea.. may be not.. 

We arrived at Sentosa jam 9.00 pagi. Duduk duduk beli light breakfast sementara tunggu USS opens. That 15.08 punyala ramai manusia. Memang tak dijangka langsung. We managed to ride the Transformers ride which in case you guys did not know, adalah ride wajib.

And then we shoot nak naik Roller Coster. Yang ini Yeya passed! Dia bukan adrenaline junkie like yours truly.

The first ride I rode was the Human Battlestar Galactica. Ride ni amatla seronok tapi rasa macam sekejap sangat. I think they should make it to 2 minutes ride utk orang ramai rasa dia punya pening tu. The Human Ride ni jenis medium je la kot. Worth riding of course.

And then comes the Cylon Ride. Waiting estimation time adalah 90 mins When we arrived the Q sampai keluar weh. It was very very very long. Ntah bila lagi nak datang kan USS ni so I thought I wanted to get the Express Pass. Sekali Express Pass adalah SGD70.00. Oh tidak.. I passed. Entrance tix pun SGD 68.00 je kot.

So I waited for 90 mins for 30 seconds of thril. I was worth it tapi sama macam the Human Ride, sekejap sangat.. tak puas. Dia pusing 360 degree sebanyak 5 kali chuols... my god! Memang gila la ride tu..

Also, from my previous post on USS, I mentioned that a new attraction was coming soon. That attraction was open for public on the day of my visit. The Puss in Boots. I did not hop in though sebab dia more towards train ride instead of roller coster. So I passed.

There was also a new amphitheater opened called the Water World. Location dia di belakang Jurrasic World. The show was AHHH-MAAA-ZING!! Seolah-olah tengok movie Rambo/Bukit Kepong. Efek dia memang terbaik. Stok tembak-tembak, shooting-shooting, siap ada stunt man melompat-lompang terbang-terbang macam spiderman.. siap ada boing terhempas nya dalam kolam tu. Pastu actors dia semua.. "oh-my-god, where have you been all my life" punya handsome. I think kalau uols pegi, jangan miss la show ni.. Show ni setengah jam je pun.. 

So there goes, my brief trip to USS for the third time. 

Lepas ni boleh focus nak pergi Surfer's Paradise Gold Coast pulak.. Wow!! Angan-angan sangat. 

Gitulah.. OK! Bye!

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