Monday, March 23, 2015

Money, Mak dan Anak


It has been a while eh?

This post would be about luahan perasaan. Tentang duit, mak dan peel anaknya.

I have a passion about travelling. There is something about seeing other places, learning culture and breathing a different atmosphere once in a while. I like to treat myself like that. Sesetengah orang suka beli handbags, gadgets or kasut untuk treat diri sendiri. I am not like that. I like to use my money to buy experience.

I also happen to be a very good daughter. I tend to tell my mother about the places I am going to. I am a strong believer "restu mak penyelamat segala-galanya" and it keeps her mind calm knowing my whereabouts, really. That being said, it is always a topic of debates when it comes to my want to travel and my mother's wish that I could save money for exigencies.  I do have savings tapi kerap kalinya tak bertahan lama. Savings yang I maksudkan ni bukan investments, ya? Tapi savings yang bulan bulan kita cucuk time sengkek tu. Mak kata, aku ni spesis bocor. Bukan boros tapi bocor. I guess she learned my habit that I dont spend membabibuta tapi when I spend (normally on holiday packages), I splurge gedebak sekaligus...

Mak pulak jenis, selagi tak muntah makan roti canai hari hari (sebab roti canai kan murah), she actually would do it demi nak menyimpan for exigencies. Mujur mak wanita berkerjaya and I have to admit, sometimes I go to her when I am in desperate need of money, contoh masa kena saman PTPTN dulu.. muehehehe or masa bayar down payment kereta. Tapi, mak pulak jenis yang suka beli snacks, nak nak time masa my suster (ngesot) tu ada kat rumah dulu. Berderet snacks atas meja. Kerepok kerepek kereping keping keping coklat sumi sumi sume ada. That, to me is another form of pembaziran. Dah la membazir, memudaratkan kesihatan pulak tu. So kami anak beranak, selalu bertekak tentang hal duit ni. My argument would always go, "I am buying and spending on experience".. "kerja macam onggila tapi nak pegi KL pun takut, ape kes?".. U know, anak beranak gaduh gaduh gaya WWF.

I dont even know why I write this post. Mungkin nak justify kan diri that travelling itu bukanlah pembaziran seperti mana yang mak katakan. 

She worked all her life, next year dah retire dah, tapi ke mana pun tak pergi. She said nanti dah bersara merata boleh jalan. Oh reallly? dengan sakit lutut la, sakit belakang la, semak otak semua cukup. I dont want to wait until I am old to see the world. Mungkin ambitious sangat sebut the world padahal tak pernah pun jejak kaki lagi jauh dari Bangkok. Tapi, angan-angan nak pergi Europe tu ada. Of course, the same had been voiced out to my mother in which she viewed it was a complete madness sebab "hang cari rumah dulu, baru hang pi melancong semua tu".. Nampak tak??? But, bakal suami dah kata he would allow it of I need to take a break dan pergi melancong. So, yeah! Thank you bakal suami. 

Kepada yang membaca, I agree saving for exigencies is important, but would you refrain yourself from travelling hanya kerana nak save untuk hari-hari hujan?

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Nope! I would travel & save later. Haha.

    That being said, I went to Europe twice when my salary was RM2500/month & RM3500 respectively. I didn't have savings like Tabung Haji, ASB & downpayment for anything. All my savings was for my travel. At that salary I save like crazy to get RM10k for my travel budget inclusive all for 2 weeks.

    Later in years after my NZ travel, only did I start to save to buy a house. And after I bought a house, my travel has since been limited to Malaysia & ASEAN countries..pffttt..cause I need more years to save RM10k compared to previously of saving just within 2 years


Be Nice ~