Friday, January 16, 2015

Personal Achievement : 2015

Is it too late to write about the new year? How about resolutions?

Resolutions do not always have to be planned to commence in the very early of each year. Bila bila pun boleh pasang niat dan azam. I use to jot down my resolutions and then I memorized them and right now I am at a point where I can't be bothered about resolutions. 

Year 2014 was pretty a smooth year for me dari segi kerjaya mahupun personal life dan kewangan. Alhamdullillah. 

Two most important things that happened in 2014 was:-
1) I got engaged; and
2) I stayed with this firm for a year.

You have read the story about my engagement in previous posts. And i never really openly discussed about my worklife.

This firm, I learned about this firm a year after I graduated law school doing Bachelor in Legal Studies. While some have dreams about joining huge firms like Skrine or Lee Hishamudin, I told myself, one day I want my name to appear on this firm's letter head. Sebenarnya itu angan-angan yang tak serious pun. That was when I was 23 24 years old. Fast forward 4 years later, I joined a firm. Lasted for only 2 months, it was a hell for me. Tak ngam dengan cara kerja, environment, benefits ntah hapa-hapa. Even masa tu tak kerja, I left the firm. I could not tahan with the ridiculous office politics. I was jobless for nearly 3 months in 2013. 

Enter November 2013, a friend recommended me the firm. This firm. Terkejut yang tak terhingga that she was in this firm. I went for the interview and I got a post in this firm. This firm!!! Macam-macam jugak jadi selama 13 bulan kat sini. Ada yang membawa kepada tangisan. Friends joined and left the firm. Some sooner than I thought they would. Ketika time time cilaka, contoh kena marah dengan boss stok kau kau punya sebab screw up file, I made a promise to myself. One year! I need only one year. To let this firm's name mewangikan diri and I would sell myself out. Today, di kala dah selesa kat sini, I decided it is time.

This time, I am leaving because I was headhunted. My promise paid off. That promise untuk mewangikan diri tu. 

Sedih because this was my dream. To have my name on this firm's letter head. But I think the best time to move on is when you are at your peak. Sedih jugak sebab dah ada kenalan rapat, ada staff yang faham cara kerja kita, senang... Now, dah tak challenging. 

I read in few career websites - reasons to leave your current job. I dont fit all the reasons. I dont hate my boss, I dont hate my job, I definitely dont hate the environment here. Progression, ada sedikit tak puas hati tapi masih tolerable. Tempat ni, office politics? None! Although some do play the race card. But masih tolerable. So, yea I am sad to be leaving this firm. 

The new firm, been getting good reviews from previous employees (which are the people in my circle of practice). So I hope I am making the right move. Mom said I "risk too much - baru nak selesa dah pegi quit job". Tapi, kerja makan gaji ni, takkan nak tunggu 3 4 5 tahun baru nak nampak hasil yang secoet tet kan?

I remember seeing a poster stating something like this - "Love your job, never your company. Because you never know when your company will stop loving you"... Love my job... InsyaAllah boleh survive biarpun di firm lain.

So, come February, I hope to see my name kat letter head firm lain pulak. Cross my fingers.

Notekakee: Catatan untuk kenangan diri sendiri later later.

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