Monday, October 27, 2014

Fasa Sebelum Bertunang : Final Chapter - The Final 72 hours


Final chapter sebelum bertunang ye?
Ada ke yang nak tanya kos kos, sebab I kan suka cerita tentang kos kos untuk entry entry percutian. Ahaks.

Mungkin later kita bicara tentang kos la kot ye dak.

My final 72 hours

The final 72 hours adalah saat-saat yang mendebarkan for me. Mana tak nya, a week earlier I received an email from SPA Malaysia, di mana I have been scheduled for an interview sebagai Penguasa Kastam di Putrajaya pada 24.10.2014 jam 8 pagi. My majlis was to be held on the same date, at 9.00 pm selepas solat Isyak. I thought of not wanting to go to the interview but masih comtemplating dalam masa 72 jam sebelum majlis berlangsung.

Mom called warning me to be on alert as some of the kids kat my hometown dah dapat panggilan. I, of course didnt tell her that I already have a date sebab I know my mom sesungguhnya akan suruh I pegi up to the point where I believe she would not have any problem to postpone my engagement ceremony.

At time of writing this entry, I am already engaged to Mr. Fazli tapi memandangkan I took an early leave to help my parents prepare for the majlis, I pushed back writing this entry.

Now, I returned to my hometown on Wednesday 22.10.2014 (Deepavali). At this point, I have found my dress but I had not found the perfect pink shawl to match the dress. I spent nearly RM200.00 buying pink shawls only to find that it did not match my dress. Kecewa tau. My dress, beli ready made, di Greentown Mall Ipoh (now known as Angsana, Ipoh). Abah nak warna yang lembut, so I gave him warna lembut. I didnt know that finding that one pink shawl was going to be a hell of a challenge.

So, the plan was, help with whatever I can in preparing for the ceremony (mostly cleaning the house dan moving furniture lah), hunted the final hantaran gift to be placed on the dulang and return to KL (Putrajaya) for my interview, bawak sekali baju tunang to hunt for "that" perfect pink shawl to match the dress.

Thursday came, and I arrived in KL for my interview on Friday with my tunang dress. Bawak la dress tu ke hulu hilir ke kedai-kedai shawl di Shah Alam, and finally found the perfect pink. One problem though. Satu shawl RM55.00, RM100 dapat 4 shawl. Spesis marketing strategi ape ni? I nagged the salesgirl macam ayam bertelur tapi nak tanak since the pink is perfect, I had to buy 4 shawls supaya tak rasa rugi.

Pagi Jumaat, interview pukul 8 pagi, tapi jam 7.46 pagi baru terjaga. Ya Allah rasa nak luruh jantung ku ini. Bergerak ke Putrajaya dari Sunway pada jam 8.30 pagi. Tolak campur sesat dan jam, 9.15 baru sampai Putrajaya dan mujurlah ada lagi yang masih menunggu untuk ditemuduga. I would not get much deeper into the interview sebab ceritanya tentang final 72 hours sebelum bertunang kan?

Fazli's Final 72 hours

Fazli was supposed to hop on to the bus to KT on the Deepavali date to be with his family and as I wanted it, to put his touch to the hantaran gifts yang adik dia sediakan from scratch. But nope, his boss called BEGGING him to cancel his leave and come to work on Thursday. I heard the conversation and I was so mad. The management has been informed of the our ceremony 2 months prior to the date lagi tapi alasan yang management bagi macam la hampagas... Bertunang lelaki tak perlu ada, so Fazli boleh masuk kerja. Fazli mentioned it a couple of times that if he cant take the leave he applied for, he is ready to resign. Aku punya ketaq lutut la dengar.

Tapi Fazli being a responsible person as he is, was willing to compromise. Instead of taking leave just to return to KT so he can travel to Ipoh with his family, he said he could hitchhike with me from Sunway to Ipoh and meet his family there.. After all, I would still be in KL on Friday morning. So, yeah, my hantaran from him, tak de his touch. In fact, dia tak tahu pun rupa hantaran from his side macam mana. Sedih tak?

So on Wednesday and Thursday, Fazli terpaksa kerja. Kesian. Teruk punya management.

Friday : Hari Pertunangan

We both arrived in Ipoh sekitar pukul 2 petang. I showed him his homestay and my father's house in Bandar Seri Botani, Simpang Pulai and I left him at AEON Kinta City so his family can meet him there.

I reached home sekitar jam 3 petang. Mengantuk, penat, keletihan, lemau semua ada. I have two hours to rest and catch my breath and I planned to get ready at 5 pm. My Makngah n Pakngah and Aunty Gee and Nana arrived from KL and Penang. Rumah kami di Taman Jati tu dah sarat dengan manusia. At this point I could not be bothered to practice my lilitan shawl. Berserah la pada yang Esa nak jadi macam mana shawl tu nanti.

Pukul 5, I took my shower and bersiap sedia. I did my make up semua sendiri. Kata nak save bajet kan? Tanpa disedari tengah tengah siap, jam dah tunjuk pukul 6.45 petang. Barang-barang hantaran masih belum load dalam kereta dannnnnnnnn.... pukul 7, hujan turun selebat-lebatnya. I almost cried. Pakngah pulak time time tu la nak semua berkumpul dan berdoa sempena Awal Muharam. Selepas habis doa, I sat in my mom's room, blasting the fan to my face and asked my sister to calm me down because I am about an inch to snap.

They could not figure out of they want to follow me to my dad's house. Mak pulak kata takkan "pengantin" nak drive. Darah manis ni... Semua pakat main tolak tepi sebabnya dia kata "abah dia tak jemput pun". Truth is, my dad invited all of them tapi RSVP taknak pegi sebab it is my dad's house. Jam 7.15 malam, baru la diorang dapat decide nak pegi ke tak. By that time, all of the hantaran telah disquishedkan dalam my MyVi back seat and boot.

7.20 pm, we rushed to my dad's house. Sampai kat rumah my dad dalam jam 8.10 mlm sebab tak boleh nak drive laju2 akibat hujan.

Mujur sesiapa pun tak datang lagi. Jemputan ahli surau dan close family tak sampai lagi. Yang ada cuma my step mom, opah dan catering staff yang dok bawak makanan masuk rumah. So, I entered the house, asked my dad what to do and not, susun my hntrn in the room and waited for the rombongan to tiba, which I am going to write in my next entry.

Hehe, it was pretty hectic our final 72 hours, but perancangan Allah tu indah-indah belaka. I would not change it in any other way.

Wait for my next entry on the Engagement Ceremony. 


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