Friday, July 13, 2012

Advocacy Training Course

"Advocacy is an art, acquired by practice"

I dont know who said that.. I can't remember... It  came up while I started writing.

One must know being a good lawyer, you have to possess two main characterictics i.e. wide knowledge on laws & advocacy skills.

Anyone can read books, get some research done to possess a wide varient knowledge on laws..but to put that into practice requires some other skills, altogether. As such, my boss registered me to attend this "i thought i would hate it" training course for two days held at Kuala Lumpur Regional Center of Arbitration.

Fun Fact #1: That building used by KLRCA is formely Tun Sri Abbas' residency before he was removed.

Expect the great "homey" enviroment upon arrival. KLRCA is a great place for arbitration. Soothing and calming with birds chirrping and all of this in the heart of KL. Unbelieveable.

Now, back on track.

The fees my firm paid for was RM500.00 for 2 and a half day (workshop) course.

We were given our materials before hand for us to prepare and honestly, I didnt know what to expect. Yet i had known that those materials were going to be used extensively during the course, I would have made a better preparation to equip myself of such information.

Day 1 : Friday (evening) : Briefing @ Bar Council
We were given a brief introduction of what to expect during the course. We did a little mini case analysis during the briefing to give ideas on what we have to go thru the next two days. There was Q&A Sessions on dress code and such. They allocated us in 5 groups of 6 participants of various years of experience and practice.

Day 2 : Saturday (9.00 - 5.30) @ KLRCA
Participants are required to adhere to the dress code of in chambers; Full Court Attire with blazer and black shoes. First task is to Exam-in-Chief the witness. We were given a schedule of our roles and we took our roles in rotation. It was furthered with Cross-Exam and later Submission for application for Injunction and oppossing. The Submission was recorded on video for reference and comments.

These tasks are done and evaluated individually. What's about it that the comments were given on the spot. You can be in the business for 20 years and yet never realized that you have not acquire the proper skills of advocacy. This is the trainers job; to correct and delevelop an effective advocacy skills among the participants.

Day 3 : Sunday (10.00 - 4.30) @ KLRCA
Again, Exam in Chief and Cross Exam tasks are put as starters on this last day, but, with video recording this time. On this day, we were able to grapsed few points taken on the first day and put it to use to strengthen our skills and boy, it is effective. We recieved good feed back about our performance and it has enhanced our self-esteem and confidence to present our case. And then it was  for Submission after lunch time as "desserts".

Over all, I must say this is a great effort of the team and Mr Brennan as the organizer to hold such training course for fellows legal practitioners. It is beneficial to every level of lawyers and it had certainly benefited me, the new lawyer in so many ways I cant tell.

The food was super great.. I swear I love the lunch meal. The trainers (who are all successful seniors lawyers) are super friendly and attentive and helpful throughout the entire course. We would sit while having lunch and discussed about the profession. There was no gap between us. There, we were colleagues.

For young lawyers, i urge to join the course when it comes to your town. I had the chance to join as very senior lawyer with the title "dato" as participants. Even him made mistakes while submitting in the court. You wouldnt want to miss the chance to better yourselves. So, register. Seats are limited.. Cewahh.... iklan pulak..



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