Thursday, March 1, 2012

Exempt BM / Ethics short tips

Baiklah murid-murid. Kali ni cikgu nak ajar cara gi mana nak apply untuk dapatkan pengecualian Ujian Bahasa Melayu untuk kemasukan sebagai Peguamcara & Peguambela.

This will be a short entry sebab its easy.

Sebelum tu kot kot ada returning readers yang datang jenguk2 cari entry pasal Exam Ethics.. mintak maaf.. tak de entry tentang Ethics although, I can give u some tips.. Flip through the huge, thick manual yang Bar Council kasi tu k.. U can tiru bulat2 from the manual buat U need to know which page to look the answers for sebab time tok jawab is very limited.. Mana nak nyelak page.. Mana nak nyalin.. so just go thru the pages before going into the exam hall k.. And try to go to the briefing Bar Council buat a day before the exam. Memang bosan tahap dewa tapi it helps a lot (for those yg malas nak baca manual tu mcm i ni kan).. Short note : Exam Ethics is something u should not be afraid of. I know the pressure is so high sebab satu soalan uols tak jawab, confirm2 fail.. just jawab.. ekau goreng la ape pun jadi jawapan tu logik. Hokey???

Lain lain tips tu adalah be punctual.. Punctuality is something they take very seriously.. seminit lewat pon tak bley.. Eleh kunun lawyers sume kena punctual.. ahaks.. Berapa antara korang yang pegi Case Management kat Court start kol 9.00 pagi, tapi pukul 9.00 pagi baru turun dari kereta dari parking lot?? (saya!! saya~~ sambil angkat tangan).. Chill la, bro.. lewat sminit je pon.. Ok.. point is.. Jangan lewat.. Cemana korang pegi exam masa belajar dulu tu.. cem tu lah.. Ahaks..

Ok.. pasal Exemption BM ni.. uols kena buat before korang filekan borang Long Call. Time estimated for the to extract the Sijil is 3 minggu but I have received a lot of complaints that they took more than 3 weeks to extract the Sijil.. so u migt wanna do it ASAP before u file ur Borang 6, 7. 8.

I tried googling for information of the Lembaga Kelayakan Profession Undang-Undang Malaysia, it was hard to find.. So I called them and asked sendiri..

Ok.. what u need :-
(a) Salinan Sijil SPM yang diakui sah  oleh Pegawai Kerajaan Gred A; dan
(b) Cek bernilai RM100.00 as the fee atas nama "LEMBAGA KELAYANKAN PROFESION UNDANG-UNDANG MALAYSIA". ~ (Profesion tu satu 'S' sahaja tau)

Collection method ada dua. Its either u can collect it by urselves atau mintak diorang kurier kan.. of which u must add another RM10 for courier service charge. (documents hilang tanggung sendiri tawwww)

Now, sample covering letter.. U may refer here..
** UPDATE : 06.4.2012
Atau you guys blh download borang surat tersebut di sini (KL BAR)

Anything.. blh la Formspring me atau leave a message kat FB.. Kalau kat komen ni.. tunggu bersawang dulu baru i reply kot.. I dont give a damn pasal komens neh.. 

Owh.. pada mereka2 yang rajin menegur tatkala berjumpa di Bar Council whenever I ada kat sana.. anda buat saya rasa mcm saya neh artis lah.. ahaks

Much Love + Respect,

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