Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Life must have purposes or else this life we're living would me meaningless. Whether or not we realize it, our paths actuallyare going through its purposes. One might say that, "I don't have expectations or things to accomplish... I take things as they come". I dont believe it. Just because they don't plan thier lives in the long run, that does not mean, they don't plan their lives.

For instance, when you wake up this morning, you either thought of going to school or complete that tasks your boss gave you the day before. It's short and sweet and when you wake up today, you have set what you want to accomplish. 

So, I have made my mind to accomplish things I put on hold (mostly) due to financial obstacles and trouble "getting permission from my mother".

So far, what I have in mind is to :-

  • Travelling with friends
    • It is horribly pathetic that I have never gone on  a holiday with my friends, so end of this year.. I have set it that I want to visit my good friend in Kelantan. The plan is that we make a stop at Hadyai or Pattani to experience Thailand at a minimal cost. So, that plan is 90% definitely going to happen and I am so excited about it.    ACHIEVED
  • Spend one whole day at a Beauty Spa
    • I have never had the luxury of visiting spa-s during my teenage years because my mom is not spa-goers. So yeah, this to-do-list is rather "blah" but I think it is important for me to accomplish it.
  • Climb a mountain/go hiking
    • Mount Kinabalu is what I had mind but I dont think I have the physical ability to do so, but I'll keep on looking for options to choose or may be i can take a trip into a cave... now, that should be fun.
  • Learn a new language
    • I want to learn French. Full Stop.
  • Go see a theater
    • A visit to Istana Budaya is what I have always wanted to do. I never have any friends with mutual interest to attend to any of the shows but I am making a point to see a theater one day.        ACHIEVED
  • Eat something gross
    • I hate slugs..but I am not eating slugs. What I had in mind was the Ulat Merong/Merang..( i dont think i got the name, right). U know, the one u can find in Sarawak. There are actually articles saying that the worm is haram for Muslims, but I'll find out. If it's not, then, it is my to do list. (this is more like a fear factor moment for me, though)
  • Drop weight/Be slim/Stay Tall
    • This is supposed to be easy, why did I always fail to accomplish this!!!
  • Visit Sipadan
    • Yes! This is a must.
As at 19.10.2011
That's all for now..

Mission commencing now!

Much Love + Respect,

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