Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Short Call - Preparation & What To Expect

Kali cem agak lewat nak post pasal Short Call sebab aku tgh "in love".. Ape kejadahnye, being in love dengan short call entry? Tak de kaitan langsung...tapi ianya membuatkan aku malas nak update blog biarpun aku online sekarang, luar biasa lebih lama dari kebiasaan.. chatting kat FB dan the Sims kottt... kome ni... suke pikior hok buke buke.. (gabungan dialek beberapa negeri - baru la 1Malaysia).

Tarikh short call aku adalah 21.09.2011 aritu. OK... Preparation before short call:-

  • Make sure korang obtain "Letter of No Objection" from the Bar Council and State Committee 7 working days. 
  • Sekarang KL Court telah menggunakan sistem e-filing so, get the letter to the court and get them scanned.

Cara-caranya (ctm style):-
Gunakan despatch untuk hantar both letters from the Bar Council and State Committee to RKKK and get acknowledgement for both letters. These letter will be scanned into the system, free-of-charge.
  • Two days after that, confirm dengan RKKK yang those documents telah pun di scan ke dalam system.

I was told a thousand times to "ensure your documents are in order" and I didnt even know what that means. Rupanya "getting your documents in order" tu bermakna, call court tanya if there is any problem with your documents, syncronized kan documents korang dalam file korang and make sure, korang susun documents korang tu baik2 supaya mudah nak dicari dan mudah dicapai. Be sure to have copies of all the documents.

Unfortunately, aku tak tau pasal benda ni.. Ingatkan cukup setakat semua benda ada, salinan lengkap bla bla bla.. dah setel..

Nehi!! nehi!!

I didnt call the court to confirm that my letters ob no objection dah discanned and i didnt call the court to confirm that my papers were in order.

So, when I arrived at the court on my short call day...ada sedikit kecelaruan. Mujur la sampai awal sebab before short call start, the Juru Bahasa will check in their list if your documents are in order. My document - affidavit penyampai borang 3, 4, 5 tak de katanya -. Runtun hatiku, apekah aku akan dapat short call date yg lain?? Di sini pentingnya to have all the documents at the tips of ur finger. I brought along segala resit pemfailan, payment invoice dari court, segalanya i bawak dalam satu file, because u never know what you're going to need.

Since i had everything in my file, i pon kuarkan la evidence segala bagai yang i had filed the affidavit earlier.. Check punya check, rupa nya ada kesalahan di "title" affidavit. I quoted the wrong section. (For more information  - please contact me - sangat tak rajin nak edit gmbr and upload [sebab tgh in love]). Mujurlah blh amend dengan pen je... Kalau tak, naye je kena delay short call..

So, when amendments is made, the JB will ask u to check dengan RKKK if ur letters of no objection dah ada system.. Terkatek-katek la ai pi turun ke RKKK untuk check. So, that is why i would suggest you call before hand to ensure that your documents are in order.

I was moved my Mr. Marcus Low, a friend of my Senior Partner. I have been getting and reading a lot, where pupil say that it is best to bring a move from another firm (not the from the firm your doing ur chambering). Now, ini satu perkara yang aku sangat tak faham, sebab bila aku tny Miss Lillian (Bar Council [Admission]), dia kata seelok2nya Master yang pergi sebab atas Saman Dalam Kamar (Borang 3), Master yang memohon. Aku pon tak berapa nak faham. Dan Mr. Marcus moved me sebab one of the LA dalam my firm taknak move me (sebab she is serving her 7th year - so dia takut ianya melanggar etika)... Itu adalah BS sebab kawan aku Noorashikin Sharifuddin (3 years practice) dah move beberapa chambies untuk short call.. Saje bikin gempak LA ni.. gerem aku..

So, what happens during short call?

I was so amazed that short call depan Hakim (dalam kamar)  tu took only less then 2 minutes.. What I heard Mr. Marcus said was "Dengan izin YA.. saya bla bla bla mewakili Pn Mazlina bagi satu permohonan di bawah bla bla bla... Saya juga percaya bahawa terdapat sedikit pembetulan di afidavit penyampai borang 3, 4, 5 bagi kandungan 4 (SDK) dan ianya telah dibetulkan" And then, the Judge confirmed the pembetulan.. Mr Marcus continued "Lain lain dari itu, saya percaya bahasa kertas kertas kausa berada dalam keadaan teratur. Maka, saya ingin pohon satu perintah seperti yang di pohon."

The Judge tulis2 sikit.. terus "baiklah.. perintah seperti yang dipohon"

Dah.. Setel... Keje korang, dok dendiam je sebelah mover tu.. And then, when you got up from ur seat, have some courtesy to say "thank you" to the Judge, even dia tak pandang pun muka korang.

Also, to save time, please prepare Draft Judgment untuk disubmit dan dan tu jugak bagi memudahkan proses korang mendapatkan Fair Judgment dalam masa yang dekat. Ingat Draft Judgment tak kena byr. Masa nak filekan Fair Judgment baru kena byr - RM40.00

So, itulah dia citenya.. Senang je kan?

Also, I want to show my appreciation to Fauziah Mydin... gagah dia contact aku untuk tanya pasal proses pemfailan borang 1 & 2. Im glad I could help, dear. I cari u kat FB, non-hada ye.. So, untuk terus2 merapatkan silaturrahim...blh la add me di sana ----->

any problems, formspring me/e-mail me @ krylonglue@yahoo.com

Sedang Ingin Bercinta (aik.. bukan ctm dah ada pakwe ke??) :P,


  1. awak, mau tanya lagi. draft judgment tu cmne/ade format?dalam buku guideline xde sample.hehe

  2. adakah draft judgment itu draft order?

  3. yea yea.. its a Draft Order.. Bukan Judgement.. silap sudah..

    provide me ur e mail.. I send it to you..

  4. hajarulfalenna@hotmail.co.uk
    thanks ya!

  5. salam kak..thnx 4 those info..nk tnye..sy dh dpt email from court n dh dpt trikh short call...next step wht should i do kak?im from jb..currently chambering in jb

  6. You should be getting two letters of no objection from state bar and bar council.. These letters are supposed to be handed over kepada mahkamah on your short-call day or the day before. Kalau tak dapat lagi surat ni dekat2 ur short call day, call the respective bodies to inform them and tny whether surat tu dah siap atau tidak. Secondly, a week before ur short call tu, call court tanya if ur papers are in order. check whether Affidavit or Service dah difailkan atau belum and what not. Normally, court will inform you if ur papers are not in order. And thirdly, arrange someone to move you on the day... Ur mover cannot be from ur firm. mintak master tolong carikan... anything else.. please do email me for quick response.. Thank u for reading.. :))


Be Nice ~