Friday, August 26, 2011

Eid-Fitri & Merdeka Wish


The festive season is around the corner and I bet by this time, you have done all of your shopping. How was your preparation for this Eid-Fitri? It is extravagant?? I bet a lots of my friends from school will be zillions excited with bundle of joy because of additional family members (babies..yeay!!)

My Eid-Fitri preparation is nothing extravagant then any of the yester-years. As I grow older, I don't feel the need to have new clothes and such. Just the idea of being with my loved one is far more important to me and I get to spend 10 days with them.. Hooray!! \^^/ However, my mother bought me a pair of this gorgeous bright red Baju Kurung Modern that is to die for and I cannot wait to show it off on the First Day of Raya, and yes, of course I'll be posting the pictures here, (if any, heh heh)

And to those who are travelling, be sure to get plenty of rest before starting your journey and please, please, please plan your journey. Do take safety precautions like taking your car to the service centers and such. As for me, I'll be going to back to Ipoh with the KTMB's ETS. It's fast, safe and comfortable (I love travelling to Ipoh with ETS).

Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to ask for your forgiveness if I ever in any way, be it intentionally or non-intentionally, have hurt your feelings by my writing. I have known this for a fact that I am expressive and always in short supply of words filter..

Also, I would like to wish all of you a very blessed Eid-Fitri and take this opportunity to spend quality time with your family and relatives and friends.

And to the non-Muslims, have a blast this holiday and festive season. Arent we lucky to share this joyous holiday together?? That brings to another celebration we are having... MERDEKA!!!

I bet many of us have forgotten that we are celebrating our Independence Day as well. Yeah, I understand.. the spirit of Eid-Fitri has taken all of my Muslim readers.. I know!! Let us not forget and be proud to be Malaysian, people! 

Selamat Hari Raya dan Selamat Hari Merdeka to all of my readers and fellow Malaysians..


1 comment:

  1. selamat hari raya ctmun...maaf zahir batin n selamat hari merdeka....


Be Nice ~