Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pemfailan Borang 3, 4 & 5 (Chambering) - My Experience

Hi there!!
This is a continuance of my experience of filing my Borang 1 & 2 untuk kemasukan sebagai Peguamcara.

You see, Borang 3, 4 & 5 adalah sangat senang di isi sebenarnya sebab, when you read the Forms, you know what to fill in the blanks.

I shall assist you cara2 nak isi Borang tu somehow. Please refer kat photos di bawah hokey?? [sila klik kat gmbr for larger view].. BTW, Borang 3 di bawah adalah rupa Borang yang telah diektrak dari sistem online e-filing...  Pas ni tak de sape dah blg tiru cop Mahkamah... hik hik hik...




At this stage, you must file together Affidavit Penyampaian yang membuktikan uols dah serahkan salinan Borang 1 & 2 kepada pihak2 yang berkenaan.

Apa yang perlu dikepilkan dengan Affidavit Penyampaian tu, (mengikut aturan untuk Ekshibit):-
a) salinan acknowledgement respective bodies yang menerima Borang 1 & 2
b) Salinan Borang 1 yang termeterai
c) Salinan Borang 2 yang termeterai

Affidavit ni, TAK PERLU di kepilkan dengan Borang 3, 4 & 5. It stands on its own.
So, when you go to the Court for the 2nd time to file ur borang berkaitan Chambering, u must have 4 documents:-
a) Borang 3 (Saman Dalam Kamar)
b) Affidavit Penyampaian
c) Borang 4 (Affidavit Master) - nama pemohon adalah nama MASTER, oke..bukan nama pupil
d) Borang 5 (Affidavit pupil) - refer above



I have rambled on tentang system pemfailan electronik di KL court.. Not cool, eh.. So, berbekalkan pelajaran masa filing Borang 1 & 2, I started my journey early.. This time, I went straight to Bar Counsil (Masjid Jamek LRT Station) to catch 'the white van'. I arrived there around 8.45 am and there are still few vans waiting for passengers... Phewww.. The journey to the KL High Court took around 20mins. So I arrived at the Court early.. Yiipi yeay!!!

I went straight to Bahagian Rayuan & Kuasa Kuasa Khas (RKKK) and let them check my Forms.. Lucky me, tak de masalah, so I was all set untuk filing.. This time, my encounter dengan kakak2 belakang kaunter RKKK tu phailed!! big time!! They are rude and sangat sangat tak helpful. It is as if they are trained to be rude dengan kita.. Hmmm I dont remember tunjuk act ngan derang pon tapi ntah la.. My 2nd visit to RKKK left me feeling sangat marah dengan kakak2 belakang kaunter simply because they are rude.. so minus point kat situ..

So after approval, I rushed to the scanning counter to get my number.. Orang tak ramai, so I made muka bahagia la bila tgk kat tiket only 10 more numbers before my number (unlike last time - 150 orang menunggu before me)... But, na aa aa jgn tertipu... That 10 numbers before me took one and a half hours to settled before my number was called... So, my nasihat... Be there as early as possible..

When my number was called, the guy couldnt process my documents.. Katanya sebab Borang 1 dan Borang 2 tak approved lagi.. Haaaa??? but I have made my payments and all.. Agak amik masa jugak la kat situ..  Kekeliruan tu berlaku kerana masa I file borang 1 & 2, I didnt return to the "kaunter invoice" to confirm my payment. So, the system showed that I havent paid my filing fees for Borang 1 & 2. Moral of the story : Lepas bayar untuk Filing Borang 1 & 2 - sila la pegi balik ke kaunter where you got ur invoice and comfirm kan la that u have made ur payment of the filing fees..

So, when semuanya dah setel, abg kaunter 15 tu pon scan lah my document.. Then he will return the documents to you and then you have to wait for your number to be called again for u to get ur invoice so u can make ur payment.. tunggu la kejap, dalam 10 - 15 minit...
Upon getting ur invoice, pegi la kaunter seberang (kaunter pembayaran) and make ur payment - RM44.00 semuanya. Process pembayaran ni sekejap je.. Tak de hal..
Dah setel dengan payment... tanya la dulu akak kaunter pembayaran tu, nak kena pegi kaunter invoice balik ke tak.. Kang tak pegi kaunter invoice, tak dapat date short call pulak..
Lepas byr, maka setel lah sudah process pemfailan Borang 3, 4 & 5 korang...
That copy of the invoice, SIMPAN sebab kat situ ada EXTRACTION CODE which korang perlu extract Borang 3 online thru website e-filing. Kat Borang 3 tu nanti akan ada cop meterai Mahkamah dan tarikh short call korang... Cool!! Cem gmbr kat atas tu..hehe...

Itu je la.. My process took half day je.

Balik tu naik van putih lagi.. terus pegi KL Sentral.. best!!

Oh and dont forget.. AFTER DAH DAPAT SHORT CALL DATE from the e-filing system...Please serve the Borang 3, 4, 5 to the respective bodies as you did masa serving Borang 1 & 2 dan dont forget to filekan another Affidavit Penyampaian kat Court..

So, itu je la.. Moga korang ada dapat gambaran tentang process pemfailan Borang 3, 4 & 5.. Kalau ada nak tanya apepe.. leave ur question kat my Formspring atau email kat Kalau korang komen kat entry ni, besar kemungkinan i wont notice because I never bother tentang komen2 kat entry...

So, there goes.. Good luck!!

Chambering Period is a Fun Learning Process,


  1. Thank you so much for the helpful information!

  2. Ape mksud borang 1 n 2 yg trmeterai??yg kita dah fail kt hc tu kira dah trmeterai ek???

  3. "Sealed copy" - yang ada stamp Mahkamah tu.. :D

  4. ape maksud borang 1 dan 2 termeterai, mase bile meterai tu?? sbb tgk borang 1 2 saye x mcm borang 3 meterai ade cop court wrna biru tu

  5. My mistake Adit, Form 1 & 2 attached should be the forms u served to the bar and committee and the AG.

  6. sis borang 5 tu kena bg jugak the whole set of borang 1 dan 2 together with attachments kan??

  7. S. Vallencia, reading the Borang 5, i didnt see in any paragraph stating that we must include Borang 1 & 2 as exhibits.

  8. oh sorry bcoz i use saman pemula... huhu.. hmmm, macam mana kita request surat tiada bantahan tu? kena sertakan sampul surat beralamat sendiri atau mereka faks ? sorry banyak tanya pula :(

  9. S. Vallencia,
    the surat bantahan will be prepared by them. Kita tak perlu buat apa-apa.


Be Nice ~