Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Good Things ---> The End

Iols nak mulakan entry ini dengan satu senyuman... Bingggg :)

Eh eh awak.. kita tak faham bahasa Iban oke.. tapi dapat la tangkap sikit-sikit intipati tulisan-tulisan awak tu.. Katanya kalau saya faham, saya akan sedih?? Ermm tak kot.. I dunno.. I am pretty much happy with our positions sekarang. Nothing more than what we used to had or be, some might refer to. 

Apa yang dah lepas kita biarkan kat masa lalu. Kita fokus dengan apa yang bakal datang je k. 

I understand somewhere between those lines, u mentioned you are sad that entries mengenai kisah kita dulu semua dah di padamkan dari blog ni? Dont be sad. U must know the reason those entris were deleted because i felt that none of it was real. I dont know.  I just dont feel that it was real. I was not deleted per se. It was just hidden. I can still read them if i wanted to. Lagipun kita ada "nisan". We can always hang out there dan becerita tentang perasaan di sana.

Thank you sebab tak pernah putus amik berat tentang saya, biar pun berpuluh SMS tak berbalas.. berpuluh cerita tentang hati tak pernah berjawab. Come on, u know I did that for good. But i didnt push u away from Twitter.. so why awak bercerita mcm segalanya dah tamat. Remember i said... u and i, we will always be the unfinished business... I never intend to put any stop to it.. cuma we needed to face the reality and the reality is that.. you never loved me the way you claimed you did.. Simple.. 

And if u asked about my feelings towards you... Oh well.. I dont feel anything at all now... that is i think we can be friends on Twitter. 
I dont want to come between you and ur Cik.. whatever her name is.. 
So from now onwards.. tak perlu lagi bermadah cinta.. berasa sayang menyesali yang kita terhenti di tengah jalan because...everything happened for a reason...

p/s: Maizatul said that the reason was that because He loved me too much to let you to continue fool me.. I dont know.. May be she is right.. :D

Hey.. i am just being honest here.. and who else yang tahu pasal "nisan"?? tsk tsk tsk tsk.... 
Dan.. keropok Stax tu sedap kan?? I knew u are going to love 'em..  :D

tak perlu nak sedih sangat kita tak menjadi.. be glad we happened once.. :)


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Random Update / UPSR

Lamanya tak hapdet blog.. Punca utama kerana tiada inspirasi. So unfortunate of me, inspirasi datang hanya ketika marah atau tak puas hati over something atau i feel about something very strong strong that i have to put down into words of my opinions. Sekarang ada rakan yang rajin melayan perdebatan pulak, maka makin bersawang la blogspot ni sebab berdebat lagi best and the pleasure of having the ability to make your opponent terdiam and terfikir cara nak lawan balik tu sangat fuuu best. Sometimes, the points tu tak berapa kukuh sangat pun, tapi i came from the background where i need to belit to survive so i take this as "medan latihan" gitu to polish myself :D.. Ngeee... Pulak tu sekarang macam tgh bunga bunga ceinta dengan kekasih hati berkereta kuning.. so chances nak tak puas hati pada dunia tu, kurang.. Ahaks.. Oh so gedik!!

Ok.. updates...

Not that I am famous or anything but saje nak merapu meraban sensorang kat sini telling those who wants to know whats been going on in my personal life.. Celemakkk!!

So, I am not that active on Facebook anymore because I found Twitter lagi best. Twitter best (mungkin) kerana tiada limit penggunaan bahasa di sana. Kalau kat Facebook, guna perkataan kasar sikit je mesti kena kecam dengan dahsyatnye.. tapi kat Twitter kau carut la mcm mana pun, takde sapa nak kondem. Further, unlike Facebook, orang tak bother sangat dengan ape yang kau tuitkan melainkan derang rasa apa yang kau tuit itu best.. Kalau tak, derang biar je kat timeline (refer = news feeds facebook). Itu juga salah satu sebab kenapa blog ni senyap. Sebab i can mengomel sensorang kat Twitter tanpa tekanan.

Due to certain circumstances dulu, my tweets were protected.. sekarang tidak lagi...kerana tiada rahsia lagi nak disembunyikan.. so those with Twitter account. Do follow me and join me twitting hate tweets. :D

In regards to that one man yang timbulkan chaos mcm orang gilak tu. I supposed we both can accept the fact that we are better off as friends je kot. He tweeted me and i could better to him tanpa apapa perasaan... that's a good sign kot.. I think.. I hope tak de orang meroyan lah hendaklah dengan this new development.

Ape lagi yea.. Itu je lah kot..

Owh.. i desperately need a new handbag.. I dont see any other brand dah.. Fossil Forever, bebeh.. Yang aritu tu, too professional. I need something casual + sophisticated design. Pastu nak kena beli jam tangan lagi.. Bengkrap mak jah macam ni... 
Satu persatu.. InsyaAllah... 

Adeke orang sebuk nak tahu pasal aku ni ha?? Memang la tak de kan??
Tak pe.. tgk la kalau rajin.. next week ke.. next month ke.. atau next year ke.. Iols update pasal satu produk Kryolan i bought that works wonder macam majik!

Akhir kata.. Iphone 5 da kluar.. adik adik yang mana UPSR tu blh demand.. 1A bersamaan dengan satu model Iphone.. Dapat 5A, blh hentak2 kaki nak Iphone5. Kalau dapat 4A, kau jangan nak berangan sangat demand Iphone5 oke.. Iphone4 sudah.. Time akak memuda dulu.. score 9A.. [Straight A blh la berlagak.. Ce tny result PMR cemana.. haram akak takkan jawab sebab memalukan betul] (BTW, 9A tu termasuk KAFA ye), abah kasi mountain bike LeRun yang reger RM250 je.. Tp time tu mountain bike adalah satu barang yang blh dilagakkan la kan.. Sekarang tidak lagi.. Pastu dapat beskal, ronda2 kat taman... DENGAN T-SHIRT inside out terbalik.. Kunun nak berlagak dapat beskal baru.. Memamg sangat tahi! Anyways.. itu je lah.. Akak nak buat keje.. Score tau UPSR ni.. pastu jadi Loyer mcm ahkak... hikss... BoBye..

p/s : Boss suruh kawen utk selesaikan masalah kesempitan wang... Err boss.. i dont accept charity when I can afford them. Tenkiut :D 
